You are viewing revision 030 of this document.
改定日: 19/03/13
REVISED ON: 13 Mar 19
編集追記: 情報の更新と共に収容手順を改訂しました。関連性のもっとも高い例を用いて説明を更新しました。最新の観測データと共に補遺を追加しました。
EDIT COMMENT: Revised containment procedures with updated information. Updated description with most relevant example. Added addendum with last known observational data.
Changes from revision 029 have been marked in blue.
アイテム番号: SCP-3445
オブジェクトクラス: Safe Uncontained
特別収容プロトコル: SCP-3445は、Peak共同墓地において、現地管理人に偽装された職員の24時間365日の監視により収容されています。研究目的のため近隣に補助的なサイト、サイト321/Aが建設されました。SCP-3445の周囲には保管庫が建設され、一般の目に触れないよう実験が行われます。SCP-3445に許可なく接触した人物には記憶処理が施され、他の場所に解放されます。SCP-3445実例に記載される対象の特定は継続中です。
SCP-3445 is contained on-site at Peak Cemetery by a 24/7 guard duty disguised as local groundskeepers; an auxiliary Site, Site 321/A, has been established nearby for research purposes. A storage shed has been constructed around SCP-3445 to perform tests without exposing it to public viewing. Unauthorized persons approaching SCP-3445 will be administered amnestics and redirected elsewhere. Identification of subjects described in SCP-3445-A instances is ongoing.
The status of SCP-3445 is currently unknown. Containment personnel are presumed deceased.
説明: SCP-3445はコロラド州オーロラ近くのPeak墓地に位置する高さ約2メートルの無印の墓石です。
SCP-3445 is an unmarked Christian gravestone measuring approximately two meters tall located in Peak Cemetery, near Aurora, Colorado. Study of its material corrosion over time indicates it was first constructed some time in the late 1930s or early 1940s. SCP-3445 has an "S" symbol superficially resembling a dollar sign carved into its center.
任意の1米ドル紙幣または5米ドル紙幣がSCP-3445上部の4つの開口部のうちいずれかに設置されたとき、通貨はそこから消滅し、5分後に76.2×127 mm2のメモ用紙に置き換わります(以下、SCP-3445-A)
When any $1 or $5 US bill is placed in one of the four openings in the top of SCP-3445, the currency will immediately vanish from its location and is subsequently replaced by a small notecard measuring 76.2 by 127.0 mm in the same spot five minutes later (hereafter SCP-3445-A). SCP-3445-A instances are brief commentaries on a recently deceased person, always using the following format:
終焉の理由: この章には、SCP-3445-A実例の残りの部分で示されている文章に応じて、対象の死因を概ね推測しうる漠然とした記述が含まれています。
Reason for Demise: This section contains a cryptic statement from which the subject's cause of death can usually be inferred, depending on the context given in the rest of a 3445-A instance.
演出: 死者の追悼または葬儀の予測が与えられます。実在の人物と確実に一致する3445-A実例に関するその後の調査では、予測は通常対象の個人的な宗教的信条(またはその欠如)と一致し、実際の記念イベントと一致することが明らかになりました。
Preparations: Predictions are given for memorial and/or funeral services for the deceased. Subsequent research into 3445-A instances conclusively matched with real persons revealed that predictions are usually in line with the subject's personal religious beliefs (or lack thereof) during life and match actual memorial events.
講評: 通常、死亡者数増加に関連する社会的風潮が、それらの死因と対象自身の事情とを関連付けつつ一人称で簡単に議論されています。 3445-A実例で語り掛けてくる個人または団体の身元は現在不明です。
Commentary: Trends leading to increased deaths in society are briefly discussed in the first person, usually attempting to tie in the identity of the subject with the cause of death discussed. The identity of the person or entity speaking in 3445-A instances is currently unknown.
SCP-3445-A実例の一例、2012/09/23 (書き起こし): [かっこ内は財団による注記]
Example of SCP-3445-A instance, 23 Sep 2012 (transcript): [Foundation commentary in brackets]
終焉の理由: パーティーを大いに楽しみ、休む暇もない。[後にサザン・イリノイ・ユニバーシティ・エドワーズビルの大学生、学外のパーティーに参加し急性アルコール中毒で死亡したGreg Jones 22歳と特定された]
Reason for Demise: Having too much fun at a party, and not slowing down. [Later identified as Greg Jones, a 22 year old college senior from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville who died from alcohol intoxication while attending an off-campus party]
演出: 涙する学者と寂しげな音楽のかかる広場。喪服と棺桶、後には焼却の儀式。簡素な思い出とまだ見ぬ将来への希望。[学内のフットボール競技場でジョーンズのための祈念式典が行われ、遺体は火葬された。最後の行は、対象の非宗教的地位を参照している可能性がある。]
Preparations: A field of grieving scholars and forlorn music. A casket with a clean look for the ceremony, and ritual incineration afterwards. A simple memory, with future fate unknown. [A memorial service was held for Jones in the campus' football field, and his body was cremated. Last line possibly referencing non-religious status of subject.]
講評: 私はこのような事件の頻度に怒り(MADD)を覚える。例え乗車時に事故がなくとも、それは寄宿舎内でも起こりうるのだ。[MADDの綴りと大文字化は、飲酒運転に関する法律の厳格化を提唱するアメリカの非営利団体であるMothers Against Drunk Drivingへの言及である可能性が高い]
Commentary: I'm MADD about the frequency of this. If it doesn't happen in cars, it happens in dorm rooms. [The spelling and capitalization of MADD is likely a reference to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, a non-profit American organization that advocates for stricter drunk driving laws]
Example of SCP-3445-A instance, 24 Dec 2018 (transcript)
終焉の理由: 同調圧力や偽の凶兆に耳を傾けた。[身元未確認、所在地/事件確認済み]
Reason for Demise: Heeding to peer pressure and a false warning. [Identity unverified, location/incident verified]
演出: 共鳴する絶望の嘆きと答えの希求。全国のテレビで葬儀が中継された。何かが間違っているという感覚がそうさせる。[SCP識別済み]
Preparations: A desperate cry of sympathy and a demand for answers. A funeral procession held on national television. A sense that something is wrong that will make it so. [SCP identification verified]
講評: 彼らは始まりであり、しかし終わりではないだろう。続くのは貴方かもしれない。不可避の信念が貴方の不安な心を満たすとき、そこにはただひとつの結果のみ。[最初に確認された読者に直接関与するSCP-3445-A実例]
Commentary: They were the first, but I suspect they will not be the last. In fact, I suspect you may be next. When their inevitable conviction meets your uncertain mind, there is only one certain outcome. [First recorded 3445-A instance directly addressing reader]
The person discussed within an SCP-3445-A instance is not named and is usually difficult to identify because of the lack of specific information about them and the apparently random location of a given subject - subjects have been identified in locations ranging from central Colorado to China. However, analysis of the "Commentary" section combined with the cultural descriptions in the "Preparations" section has lead to a small number of identifications of 3445-A described individuals. On the few occasions where an individual has been identified prior to burial or cremation, attempts to intervene to prevent the predictions made in the "Preparations" section from occurring result in local space-time being anomalously altered until the conditions of the funeral service and/or other burial preparations are met.
##blue|補遺 3445.A: 2019/03/12、02/20に収容が放棄される直前に記録されたscp-3445-A実例の更新サンプルを含む自動緊急収容情報通知がエリア-055-Aに配信されました。これらは以前に記録された実例に比べ著しく短いものでした。O5-6は通知を受領して確認し、それに応じてSCP-3445のファイルを更新しました。SCP-3445の現状は不明です。全ての収容職員は死亡していると推定されます。
Addendum 3445.A: On 12 Mar 2019, an automated Emergency Containment Information message was delivered to Area-055-A containing updated samples of 3445-A instances, recorded shortly before containment was abandoned on 20 Feb. These messages are noticeably shorter than previously recorded instances. O5-6 received and acknowledged the message, and has updated SCP-3445's file accordingly. The current status of SCP-3445 is unknown. All containment personnel are presumed deceased.
終焉の理由: 未知への恐怖。
演出: 彼らの家族が同じ恐怖に屈したため、なし。犠牲者は正しいと誰もが考えるとき、葬儀は困難である。
講評: 手に負えなくなりつつある。治療法は見つけられないのだろうか。何年もかけて彼らは賢明かつ合理的に死に、誰もが望みを失った。
1 Feb 2019
Reason for Demise: Fear of the unknown.
Preparations: None, as their family succumbed to the same fear. It is hard to hold a funeral when everyone thinks the victim had the right idea.
Commentary: This is getting out of hand. Can none find the cure to this? For years they have died sensibly and reasonably, and now everyone has lost their minds.
終焉の理由: 既知の愛、妄想への恐怖。
演出: 的外れな死体の破壊はコンクリートの下での粉砕により実行される。誰もがひどく疲弊し、安息の墓を望む者などない。
14 Feb 2019
Reason for Demise: Love of the known, and fear of a delusion.
Preparations: Demolition as the corpses of the misguided are crushed under the concrete. Nobody wishes to use their resting place, because everyone is already very tired.
Commentary: There's nothing that can be done now. You had a job, and you failed it. Goodbye, victims of failure. I hope there is something waiting for you.
2019/02/19 [最新のメッセージ]
終焉の理由: 他と同じ。
演出: なし。
19 Feb 2019 [Last Known Message]
Reason for Demise: Same as everyone else.
Preparations: None.
Commentary: Well, it looks like I'm going out of business soon.