評価: 0+x

SCP-1632-1 instance

Item #: SCP-1632

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, containment of SCP-1632 is to focus on the capture and relocation of SCP-1632-1 instances. SCP-1632-1 instances are to be stored in a standard humanoid containment cell in Site 45, and fed according to the standard Humanoid Nutrition chart. Police reports in Nevada are to be monitored in order to discover any instance of SCP-1632-1. All found advertisements featuring SCP-1632 are to be removed. Any found SCP-1632 client is to be administered Class-A Amnestics.

特別収容プロトコル: その性質のため、SCP-1632の収容はSCP-1632-1実例の捕獲と移転に重点が置かれています。SCP-1632-1実例はサイト-45の標準人型収容セルに留置し、標準人型栄養チャートに従って食事を与えてください。あらゆるSCP-1632-1実例の発見のために、ネバダの警察調書が監視されています。SCP-1632を取り扱った広告は発見次第すべて撤去してください。発見されたすべてのSCP-1632のクライアントにはクラス-A記憶処理が施されます。

Description: SCP-1632 refers to an entity believed to be of extradimensional or extraterrestrial origin. Witness descriptions show SCP-1632 to be a 45-year old Asian male with varying facial features, usually wearing a three-piece suit with a red tie and a bowler hat.

説明: SCP-1632は別次元もしくは地球外起源のものと考えられる実体を指します。目撃者の説明で、SCP-1632は顔の特徴の変化する、通常スリーピースのスーツを着て赤のネクタイと山高帽を着けた45歳のアジア人男性と判明しています。

SCP-1632 places advertisements offering its services as a professional attorney-at-law, specializing in divorce cases. SCP-1632's actions are focused on civilians in the state of Nevada. These advertisements can appear in multiple sources and formats, including flyers, internet popups, Craigslist entries, and billboards. Hosts of these advertisements are unable to recall any information regarding SCP-1632, other than his appearance.


In every advertisement, a sequence of 10 unknown symbols appear where a telephone number would normally be placed. Tests have shown this sequence to be a low-threat visual cognitohazard which causes the symbols to appear to be random numbers. However, individuals who require of SCP-1632's services are able to contact SCP-1632 using the number provided. All attempts made by the Foundation to obtain the correct telephone number have failed.


SCP-1632 will assist its client(s) with the various legal processes of obtaining a divorce from a spouse. SCP-1632 does not appear in the vicinity of Foundation employees or recording equipment, making surveillance of its appearance difficult. Clients of SCP-1632 report its service to be helpful and inexpensive. Attempts to transfer a client from SCP-1632's involvement to a Foundation appointed lawyer result in the client's dissatisfaction with the new lawyer, and request that SCP-1632 be brought back to the case. Administration of Class-A Amnestics to clients have proven successful in halting SCP-1632 cases.


When a divorce case is finished, SCP-1632, its client and the client's former spouse will disappear. After a few hours, an instance of SCP-1632-1 will appear where the client was. SCP-1632-1 refers to a biological entity that consists of an SCP-1632 client and the client's former spouse physically fused together. SCP-1632-1 instances are usually found wrapped in white cloth, for an unknown purpose. SCP-1632-1 instances tend to be radically different in the method of fusion, ranging from both partners becoming fused at the pelvis region, to appearing as a mass of non-discernible tissue. However, nervous and respiratory systems are not modified, allowing both partners to utilize cognitive functions and vocalize respectively. All attempts at surgical separation, even when the procedure itself is relatively harmless, have been met with failure.


Addendum: Interview Log with SCP-1632-01 instance

補遺: SCP-1632-1実例のインタビューログ

Interviewed: SCP-1632-1

インタビュー対象: SCP-1632-1

Interviewer: Junior Researcher Winger

インタビュアー: ウィンガー次席研究員

Junior Researcher Winger: Good evening. Could you state your names for the record?

ウィンガー次席研究員: こんばんは。記録のためにお名前を申告して頂けますか?

SCP-1632-1A: Hey. The name's Randal Chasalow.

SCP-1632-1A: やあ。名前はランドル・キャサロウだ。

SCP-1632-1B: And my name is Diane Chasalow.

SCP-1632-1B: で、私はダイアン・キャサロウよ。

Junior Researcher Winger: Could you tell me the events that led to your current….condition?

ウィンガー次席研究員: 貴方がたの現在の…状態の原因となった出来事についてお話しして下さいますか?

SCP-1632-1A: As much as it pains me to say it, I wasn't a very good husband to Diane. From the late nights I spent working, to the heavy drinking later on, I should have seen our separation coming.

SCP-1632-1A: これを言うのは心苦しいけど、僕はダイアンにとってあまり良い夫ではなかったんだ。夜遅くに仕事をしてから、その後に深酒をしたりして、僕たちに別れが近づいていることに僕は気づくべきだった。

SCP-1632-1B: After months of arguing, I eventually moved out. I missed Randal, but being apart seemed like the best thing for the both of us.

SCP-1632-1B: 数ヶ月言い争ったあと、私は出て行ったの。私はランドルが恋しかったけど、別れるのが私たち両方にとって最も良いことのように思えたわ。

[irrelevant information removed]


SCP-1632-1B: I saw a advertisement for a divorce lawyer in the newspaper on Tuesday1. "Need a divorce? Better ring Xing!". Heh. The rate seemed affordable enough, so I called him.

SCP-1632-1B: 火曜日の新聞で離婚弁護士の広告を見たの2。『離婚したい?ベター・リング・シン!』ってね。料金もお手頃だと思ったから、彼に電話したわ。

Junior Researcher Winger: How would you describe SCP-1632's services?

ウィンガー次席研究員: SCP-1632のサービスはどのようなものか説明して頂けますか?

SCP-1632-1B: Strange names you people use around here. Anyway, Xing was really helpful with all of the legal jargon. I could tell he never approved of what he did, but money is money, I guess.

SCP-1632-1B: 貴方たちはこの辺じゃ変わった名前を使うのね。ともかく、シンは法律用語全体で本当に助けになったわ。彼が彼のしたことを決して良しとしている訳ではないと私にはわかるけど、お金はお金だしね。

SCP-1632-1A: Honey, you should probably skip to the important part.

SCP-1632-1A: ハニー、大事な所まで飛ばした方がいいんじゃないかな。

SCP-1632-1B: Alright then. After about two weeks after all of the papers were submitted, I woke up in this strange place, in my wedding dress. It was like a chapel. But it wasn't just a chapel, it was THE chapel, you know? Like, the floor was alive and breathing. It didn't scare me, for some reason. Then, I suddenly saw Randal next to me.

SCP-1632-1B: ええ、そうね。書類を全部出してからだいたい2週間後に、私はこの奇妙なところで、ウェディングドレス姿で目を覚ましたわ。それはチャペルみたいだったけど、ただのチャペルじゃなかった、とびっきりのチャペルだったのよ、分かるかしら?まるで、床が生きていて呼吸をしてるみたいだった。どういうわけか、怖くはなかったわ。それから突然、側にランドルを見つけたの。

SCP-1632-1A: The chapel was beautiful. Nobody was seated, yet the world was watching. Gold and flowers lined the walls. I wish I could show you, it was unforgettable. Xing stood at the end of the chapel dressed in these fancy white robes. Light flooded the chapel in a color too beautiful for words.

SCP-1632-1A: あのチャペルは綺麗だったよ。誰も座っていなかったけど、世界中が見ていた。金飾りと花が壁に並んでいた。僕が君を見ることができたなら、忘れられなかっただろうね。シンはあの派手な白の祭服を着てチャペルの奥に立っていた。チャペルに光が溢れて言葉にできないほど綺麗な眺めだったよ。

Junior Researcher Winger: Were you not concerned about suddenly being in an unknown place?

ウィンガー次席研究員: 貴方がたは突然知らない場所にいたことについて心配はしなかったのですか?

SCP-1632-1A: No, it felt right. Everything felt right, for the first time in so long.

SCP-1632-1A: ああ、いい気分だったよ。すべてがいい気分だった。長年のあいだで初めてだよ。

SCP-1632-1B: Our memory's a bit fuzzy after that, but next thing I knew, I was back in my house, together with Randal, the way it should be.

SCP-1632-1B: 私たちの記憶はそれから先がちょっとあいまいなんだけど、その後のことは分かるわ。私は家に帰ってきたの、ランドルと一緒にね。それがあるべき道なのよ。

Junior Researcher Winger: Does this mean you are satisfied with your current condition?

ウィンガー次席研究員: それは貴方がたが現在の状態に満足しているということですか?

SCP-1632-1A: Satisfied? This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank Xing for me whenever you see him.

SCP-1632-1A: 満足だって?これは今まで僕に起こった中で最高の出来事だよ。君がシンに会った時は僕のために彼にお礼を言っておいてくれよ。