アイテム番号: SCP-XXX-JP
オブジェクトクラス: Euclid
特別収容プロトコル: SCP-XXX-JPは標準人型実体収容セルにて収容されます。日に5回の定期記憶処理の他、担当研究員の監督の下で任意のクラスの記憶処理剤及び対抗ミーム処置の処方を行い、できる限りSCP-XXX-JPの錯乱状態を緩和してください。悪夢による精神の不安定化を防ぐため、SCP-XXX-JPの睡眠は外部からの電気的処置によってノンレム睡眠に保たれます。実験以外でSCP-XXX-JPがセル外へ出ることは許可されません。
説明: SCP-XXX-JPはその概念的枠組みに異常な混乱が見られる3█歳の日本人女性「高崎 芳子1」です。SCP-XXX-JPはEnvelope Logistics®複数の概念的枠組運用企業により、自身の戸籍及び多くの身体部位をそれぞれ様々な概念(SCP-XXX-JP-A)と一方的に2関連付けさせられています。以下は現在までに実験により明らかになったSCP-XXX-JPに関連する概念の一部です。
SCP-XXX-JPの対応部位 | 関連する概念 | 備考 |
姓名 | Envelope Logistics® | |
右目,頭髪 | Envelope Logistics®の本年度版新製品カタログの内容 | 毎年4月1日に更新されている |
顔面皮膚 | 北海道夕張市の財政成長率 | |
左腕,右肘,両足,臍 | 80年代ロシアのポルノ映画 | |
肝臓 | 不明な2体の生命体による「決して繁殖目的などではない」交尾 | 全ての被験者に対するインタビューにおいて、行為の主体である2体の生命体の詳細は「恐ろしげ」「濡れたゴムひものよう」など一貫せず不明瞭。何らかの反ミーム性によるものか、当該生命体の様式が基底現実のものとかけ離れているためと思われる。 |
歯 | 「概念運用で絶対に資産を増やす裏ワザ」を教えるとする不明な人物のメールアドレス | 当該アドレスのドメインは現在未確認のものであり、基底現実外に由来するものである可能性も含め調査中です。 |
盲腸 | 「ニッポンの未来」 | |
両手両足の爪 | 小学3年生の寂しさ/ざらざらした触感/夜(地球上でない) | 被験者により認識する概念が異なる。右は頻出上位3概念 |
背面から臀部にかけての皮膚 | 自我の消失に対する恐怖を3日以内に3人に伝える行為への義務感 | |
大脳皮質 |
2020/█/█、財団はSCP-2557を窓口としてEnvelope Logistics®との交渉によるSCP-XXX-JPの概念的混乱の解消を試みました。以下は財団の接触に対するEnvelope Logistics®の返信3の内容です。
Envelope Logistics®渉外部████ ███です。はじめに、お問い合わせにございました「高崎 芳子」氏の契約情報につきましては守秘義務により開示することができません。何卒ご了承下さい。
Envelope Logistics®
上記返信中のEnvelope Logistics®の主張はSCP-XXX-JPが自己同一性を失う程の「概念広告」の集中を受けている理由を説明していないため、Envelope Logistics®がSCP-XXX-JPとの契約情報を流出させた可能性も含め再度の問い合わせを行っています。現在までEnvelope Logistics®側の返信はありません。なお、“EL.Defender_for_spamconcepts™”の導入予定はありません。

Junior Researcher Jamie retrieving an escaped tame SCP-4644 instance.

A wild SCP-4644 instance; altitude estimated at 1,700 meters.
アイテム番号: SCP-4644
オブジェクトクラス: Euclid
特別収容プロトコル: A Foundation outpost (Outpost 4644) has been established near the Kuroshima Research Station of the Sea Turtle Association of Japan, and equipped with three large open-air aviaries for SCP-4644 containment.
Traditional Japanese butsudan8 are to be housed and maintained in each aviary. Each shrine is to be accompanied by portraits of deceased marine scientists or other environmentalists from the local area who have contributed to pollution reduction and marine life population research.
Foundation seacraft stationed near the Japanese islands are to report any new SCP-4644 sightings to Outpost 4644. New instances of SCP-4644 that reach the outpost are to be greeted by the research team and directed to one of the aviaries. Any other spotted wild SCP-4644 instances are to be captured and transferred to Outpost 4644, with care taken to avoid damage or stress.
At the conclusion of the annual sea turtle nesting season, all captive SCP-4644 instances are to be released into the open air. Following the mating activities, Foundation personnel are to collect any remains of the SCP-4644 instances, and store these materials at Outpost 4644 for further analysis.
Non-anomalous turtles manifested as a result of SCP-4644 are to be counted for records-keeping, and allowed to return to the waters they were spawned near.

Side-by-side comparison of male (left) and female (right) SCP-4644 instances, with elder (clear) coloration.
Description: SCP-4644 is the collective designation for a population of anomalous kites capable of autonomous movement. All SCP-4644 instances possess the shape of a rokkaku (hexagonal) kite, with matured "adults" reaching up to 2 meters in length. SCP-4644 instances theorized to be males (based on observed behaviors) reach a length of 6 meters including their decorative tails. Newly manifested SCP-4644 instances possess a more opaque and clouded coloration than older instances. By stretching and contracting their thin skin-like covering, SCP-4644 can manipulate their overall body shape, allowing them to maneuver through air currents and reaching altitudes of over 2,000 meters.
SCP-4644 individuals do not appear to require sleep, and have a substantial level of intelligence, as tamed instances are able to recognize the faces of their caretakers and respond well to recall training. The majority of an SCP-4644 instance's daily routine consists of sunning itself while perched at a high location and lifting off for short gliding flights. It is noted that with more time spent in open air, the semi-translucent covering of SCP-4644 instances gradually becomes clearer and more transparent.
The first Foundation sighting of an SCP-4644 instance was in June of 1970. Based on observation accounts, it is believed that new SCP-4644 manifest directly from the waters surrounding the Japanese islands, typically in areas of concentrated ocean pollution debris. The SCP-4644 instances will then gradually seek out other members of a group to travel with until they reach a landmass with a Buddhist shrine. Charted flight patterns indicate that SCP-4644 appear to exhibit a preference for shrines in rural areas with lower rates of average air pollution, and will attempt to avoid industrialized areas.

Close view of young (clouded) adult male SCP-4644.
During the months of June through October, SCP-4644 instances will leave the land and congregate over open water. Male and female pairs will perform an aerial courtship dance, and will ascend to a higher altitude while parallel to each other and in a spiraling and synchronized manner. During this event, the covering of both SCP-4644 instances becomes almost completely transparent. Due to the extreme height and infrequent mating, what transpires afterwards is unknown. Captured instances will not exhibit this behavior inside the containment aviaries.

Non-anomalous turtle produced by SCP-4644 instances.
Approximately 1 hour after the initial ascent, both the male and female SCP-4644 will rapidly fall to the shoreline. Closer examinations of the crash sites have recovered pieces of high-density polyethylene plastic, fragments of decayed turtle shell scutes, and a torn scrap of an omamori9 paper talisman. Within the next hour, two to eight hatchling Hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) will emerge from the same area of sand and make their way towards the open ocean. These turtles have been confirmed to be non-anomalous.
Currently, researchers at Outpost 4644 have collected enough omamori scraps from SCP-4644 remains to create a rough reconstruction of the full paper talisman. Based on their design, the charms carry the kanai-anzen focus, for "safety or well-being of one's family and peace and prosperity in the household", as well as a woodblock signature bearing the kanji 龍神 (Ryūjin), the name of the mythological Japanese guardian deity of the sea.