Getting Ideas
The idea is the soul of your story. Whether it concerns a tale or as an SCP, a good idea will carry you far and help you succeed. Here are a few tips to help you conjure on of those brilliant concepts for your article:
If you want to write a creepy article, think of what scares you.
The site has its roots in Internet horror, and we try to keep with that tradition. The stranger the fear the better; a lot of the common terrors and phobias have been covered, and we love creativity.
If you want to write a weird article, think out of the box.
The stranger and more original your article is, the better it'll stand out from the crowd.
If none of the above apply, try to find another emotion or reaction you want to evoke from your reader.
Maybe you want the reader to feel sad, or amused, or intrigued, so find a way to accomplish that.
Try to find an interesting photo.
The Internet is a strange, strange place, and there are thousands of weird or creepy photos you can use as the seed for an idea. Something unusual, to grab the reader's attention that inspires your imagination. Just make sure your image follows the site Image Use Policy.
When you DO come up with an interesting idea, look through the list for similar SCPs.
You should also ask around on the forums or in chat; other people may know of an article you missed. We have over 3000 SCPs; there's a fairly good chance that there's an article similar to your idea floating around somewhere. If you do find an existing article with a similar idea to yours, see if you can put a novel spin on your article to set it apart.
Show it to other people:
Often times, you might come up with something you think is a really cool idea, and want to write it up as soon as you can. Before you post it, you should always make a sandbox page and show the draft in the Drafts & Critiques forum or post your idea for an article in the Ideas & Brainstorming forum. You can also do this in our IRC chat.
Note that people will not magically find their way to your sandbox to give you feedback, you really need to ask for it in the aforementioned places.
Don't force an idea.
Going and trying to force an idea that feels incomplete will usually end up with an underwhelming article or story. If you're having trouble with a piece, try to bounce it off other members in the chat, or make a thread on the forums.
General Tips
Here are some general tips to help guide you in writing your SCPs.
Act as if every SCP will be the first that someone will read.
That means do not put too much in there that requires knowledge of anything else on the site. You are of course free to link to other articles on the site, but do so at your own risk. Too much of that and people will have no idea what is happening if they haven't read the other material.
Less is more.
While some articles successfully pull off multi-page exploration logs, recovery logs, and experiment logs, a majority of SCPs are best left as brief, easily-digested pieces of fiction. Don't begin writing with the assumption that your SCP needs a huge amount of explanation, logs, and addenda; include them if they improve the article, but leave them out if they don't add anything.
Get a clear idea of your core concept before you start writing.
This will help you narrow down what details you include, and which you leave out. Leaving out the right details can add mystery to an article, and keep the reader thinking about why, or how, the object works.
Dangerous does not always equal interesting.
An item that has the ability to instantly liquefy bone in a 100 mile radius is dangerous, yes, but unless you can write it in an interesting way people won't like it.
Find a hook of some sort.
A hook is something that immediately draws the reader in. SCPs that are merely anomalous things that do anomalous things are rarely successful. What that something is depends largely on you, but make sure it's effective and include it as early on in the article as you can. If you leave it until the end, it isn't really a hook, and chances are people won't even have gotten to it before they stopped reading.
Accept what critique you get.
Nobody is obligated to give you feedback once you've posted on the main wiki, and they don't need to pull their punches. If you sincerely think you are being treated unfairly, contact a moderator. Do NOT engage in a running shouting match with someone you think is being mean or cruel. Take their advice into consideration, even if it's terse or harsh.
Gore for the sake of gore is stupid.
If your article has nothing going on besides buckets of entrails (linguistically) flung at the reader, or if your article hinges on a gory picture but has nothing to provide context to it, it's going to fail. Gore is fine, but it needs to be supported by actual content.
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
There's almost always a bunch of us in the chat room and on the forums who are more than happy to give a hand or a read-through.
The very first thing you need to know when writing your article is that the motto of the SCP Foundation is Secure, Contain, and Protect. Not Destroy, Destroy, Destroy (or we'd obviously be called the DDD or D3 Foundation.) Very few SCP articles can get away with intentionally calling for the destruction of an object.
Containment of an object should be clear and logical. No flourish, no extraneous resources; every SCP should be provided with what it needs, no more, no less. This means that if the containment of your SCP is not dependent on something in the containment procedures, it doesn't belong there. A good example are the dimensions of the cell/locker/briefcase/jockstrap your SCP is contained in. Would it really matter if the room was 1.31 cm off-specification? If not, don't put them in. If it does matter, you'll have to convince us of that.
Also, don't put stuff in your containment procedures that is self-explanatory. If your article concerns a living creature, you can assume it's fed. That doesn't need to be in the containment procedures unless its diet is special. In addition, remember that the Foundation is cold, not cruel; yes, we could stick anomalous fellow human beings in an empty concrete cell without windows, but that will only get us terminally depressed SCPs. For this reason, you can assume they're given basic amenities, and that they do get some opportunity for leisure, even if it's within the confines of their cell. If they need something special, you can put that into the containment procedures.
Overall, containment must strike a balance between logically and successfully containing an object as well as current technology is capable of, and being reasonable in its demands for resources. Most SCPs don't need an on-site nuke to contain them.
Each SCP must be assigned an Object Class based on their overall containment difficulty. Essentially, the three main object classes follow these guidelines:
- 収容が容易なSCPはSafeクラスに割り当てられます。 しかし、Safeすなわち無害なSCPという訳ではありません。無害であるということを意味するのではなく、そのオブジェクトを施錠下に保管することができ、かつ、保管後の心配が無用であるということを意味します。Safeクラスのオブジェクトはおよそあらゆる形状のものが含まれ、皮龍、終わりなき駐車ビル、ブラフマーストラが含まれます。
Safe class SCPs are easily contained. However, Safe does not automatically mean harmless. Instead, it means that we can lock them up and not have to worry about them. Safe class objects come in all shapes, and include The Skin Wyrm, the Endless Garage, and the Brahmastra.
- かなり特殊な封じ込め手順を必要とするSCPはEuclidクラスに割り当てられます。Euclidクラスはその収容手順に従っていれば、容易に封じ込めが可能です。 一般論として、人型あるいは知覚や思考能力を持つ動物のSCPは自由意志を持つために、Euclidに分類されます。EuclidクラスのSCPはサイト全体で最も多いです。このクラスには、最初のSCPであるSCP-173、繋がれた廃墟、および死者の影が含まれています。
Euclid class SCPs require fairly specific containment procedures, but if they're followed, the SCP is easily contained. Most humanoids and sapient/sentient animals should probably be classed Euclid because they are capable of free will. Euclid class SCPs are some of the most varied on the entire site; this class includes the first SCP, SCP-173, the Nexus of Abandoned Places, and Demisers.
- KeterクラスのSCPは極めて特殊な封じ込め手順を必要とし、そもそも効果的に封じ込めることが困難です。異常性を抑制するために、最大限の警戒と資産の投下をしなければなりません。箱の中に閉じ込めた後も、非常に厳格な収容手順を徹底しないと、蓋をこじ開け飛び出してくる可能性があるオブジェクトはKeterです。KeterクラスのSCPは他の記事と比べて際立った存在で、かつ独特で前例のない脅威でなければなりません。このクラスは影人間、未完の年代記、そして恐らくはそこに存在するはずの怪物が含まれています。
Keter class SCPs require extremely specific containment procedures, and are simply so difficult to contain effectively that they need higher levels of care and resources to suppress. If you lock it in a box, and there's a chance it bursts out through the lid of its own accord unless you follow very stringent containment procedures, it's Keter. A Keter class SCP needs to stand out from other articles and be a unique threat all its own. This class includes Shadow Person, An Incomplete Chronicle, and The Maybe There Monsters.
- ThaumielクラスのSCPは、他のSCP(大抵はKeter)の封じ込め、対抗、抑止策に利用可能あるいは実際に運用されています。Thaumielは滅多に使用されることのないクラスであり、当然のことながら、このクラスの記事を書くことは尋常ではなく難しいです。このクラスには機械仕掛けの神、太陽の姉妹サウエルスエソル、そして望ましい選択です。
Thaumiel class SCPs are capable of and in some cases actually used by the Foundation to contain and/or counter-act other SCPs, usually Keter ones. This is a rarely-used class and for good reason, as it's incredibly hard to write one successfully. This class includes Deus Ex Machina, Sauelsuesor, and Preferred Option
There are also several secondary classifications, like Neutralized and Explained. You can read more on those here.
Certain articles use other, more author-specific object classes; indeed, there's no rule saying you can't use a different object class. However, the S/E/K system of classification is in most people's head canon; using another system or class may get you downvotes, so do so at your own risk.
On Tone
A lot of people misunderstand what we mean by clinical tone. They think it means using big words, or trying to sound smart. Or they think it means a focus on "grimdark." This is not correct. The following are things to remember when trying for the right tone.
正確に: あいまいな表現は避けてください。簡潔に: 冗長散漫な文章を書き散らさないでください。「頭良さそうに見せる」ためだけに、長ったらしい文章を書かないようにしましょう。(ただし、正確かつ適切な表現のために文章が長くなることはオッケーです。)曖昧な表現や美辞麗句を並べ立てないでください。また、形容詞は必要以上に使わないようにしましょう。技術文章を書くのですから、質実な文章にしてください。
Be Precise And Concise.
Be precise: Avoid ambiguous wording. Be concise: Don't use many words where fewer will do the job. Don't use longer words just because they "sound smarter" (unless they actually are more appropriate). Avoid ambiguous or flowery wording. Don't use more adjectives than are necessary. You're writing a technical paper — write plainly.
Be Professional.
You're writing from the perspective of an SCP researcher. Most professionals wouldn't send their boss a report with a fart joke in it. You also probably wouldn't use slang in a research paper for school.
As well, researchers should try to be detached and unemotional in their writing. Not because they don't have emotions, but because letting that slip into their writing makes them seem less objective and makes the writing more emotionally charged
例えば: もし人狼について書くなら、次のように書いてはいけません。
Example: If describing a werewolf, you should not write:
The entity is a ten foot tall wolfman with glowing crimson eyes and teeth like daggers. Its howl sends shivers down your spine, as if you instinctively know that we are its prey.
Instead, write something like:
The entity is a canid biped, approximately 3 meters in length. It has luminescent red eyes and prominent incisors. Its vocalizations universally trigger a fear reflex in human subjects.
On Censorship
Redactions, [DATA EXPUNGED], and similar censorship can be used to add mystery or remove extraneous data. You should know what information you are expunging. Don't expunge something so you don't need to write it; hide key information to draw the reader in deeper. Make them wonder what's behind the hidden information.
Also: don't redact anything in containment procedures. If the procedures are redacted, how can personnel know how to contain the item?
If you want to know more about effective expungement, there's an excellent guide out there for you.
- 記事中でオブジェクトを、「そのSCP」という形で言及しないでください。記事におけるSCPとは特別収容プロトコル(Special Containment Procedures)の略です。下書きのときはSCP-XXXXを使用し、投稿する際にXXXXを番号に置換してください。「SCP-XXXX」という単語を繰り返し使いたくない場合は、「当該生物」、「当該検体」、「当該オブジェクト」、「当該アーティファクト」、「当実体」などの用語に置き換えてみるか、文章を再構成してみましょう。(これは任意です)
- 「被験者/対象/subject」はDクラスなどの人員やSCPの影響を受けた人物など実験対象をさすことが多いので、読者が混乱しないように注意して使い分ける必要があります。
- インタビューログでは、最大限自然な口語で書くようにしてください。つまり、インタビューにおいては「Skip(SCPの俗語)」などの用語を使ってもオッケーです。
- 長々しい段落を避けるようにしてください。視覚的な魅力や効果はほとんどありません。段落を区切ったり、見出しを立てたり、箇条書きなどを使って、長々しい段落を分割しましょう。
- メートル法を使い、帝国単位や尺貫法を使わないようにしてください。財団は、国際単位系を採用しています。また小数点以下2桁まで測定値を丸めるようにしてください。見た目がスッキリします。
- 校正しろ。プロットの欠陥を解消し、誤字脱字がないかチェックし、冗長なフレーズや平易達意ではない表現の推敲を行なってください。書いているうちに、自分では文章のエラーに気が付けなくなるので、絶対に他の人に校正を依頼するようにしましょう。句読点の打ち方や、単語の使い方、文章作法についての貴重な洞察は、他者から得られるものです。
Other Tips
Don't refer to the subject of your article as "the SCP"; SCP in-article stands for Special Containment Procedures. Use SCP-XXXX when drafting and make sure to replace the XXXX with the number of your article when posting. If you wish to avoid repetition (which is not mandatory), you can instead use terms such as "the organism", "the specimen", "the object", "the artifact", "the entity", and so forth, or just restructure your sentences.
If you use "subject", make sure you don't confuse the reader, because "subject" usually refers to experiment subjects like D-Class personnel or people involuntarily exposed to SCPs.
In interview logs, try to write what would sound most natural when spoken by an actual person — here, terms like "skip" are fine.
Avoid giant blocks of text. They're visually unappealing and unstimulating. Break up walls of text with paragraph breaks, sub-headings, or bulleted lists.
Use metric and not imperial units. The Foundation adheres to the International System of Units. Also, try to round measurements to a maximum of two decimal places, it looks cleaner.
Proofread. Do this to avoid plot holes, check spelling, and remove redundant phrases and words. Absolutely ask others to proofread too, because as the author you develop a certain blindness to your own writing. Others can offer valuable insight when it comes to punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
Writing a Humanoid SCP
Humanoid SCP objects can be some of the most difficult objects to write. Why, you ask?
For many reasons. The most common reason is something we've termed the "X-Man Syndrome". That is, making a humanoid with "powers", instead of an anomaly with a story. However, there's no real set way to tell if a humanoid SCP will be an X-Man, or if they will fit in with the site; as stated before, there's no such thing as a bad idea, only bad execution.
Here's a brief list of things to remember when writing your humanoid article:
- 人型SCPの収容プロトコルの本題を「それが望むものを与える」ことになっているとしてはいけません。財団はホテルではなく、監獄です。
Don't write its containment procedures to essentially be "Give it What it Wants". The Foundation is not a hotel, it is a prison.
- 人型SCPの外見や個人的な趣味嗜好について過度に詳細を触れないようにしましょう。詳細を書けば、簡単にコミックのキャラクターには見えるようになるかもしれませんが、SCPらしさからは遠のくばかりです。
Don't go into an inordinate amount of detail regarding the humanoid's appearance or personal tastes. This is a very easy way to make them look like more of a comic book character, and less of an SCP.
- 人型SCPの呼称には注意して、名前やあだ名、二つ名などの個人的な代名詞の使用は避けてください。SCPは「対象 / SCP-XXXX / it」で呼ぶようにしましょう。人型SCPの記事中には、そのSCPが男性なのか女性なのか(必要な情報であるため)書いてあることがありますが、別に、彼や彼女、「〜君」、「〜さん」、「〜ちゃん」などの呼称をする必要はないです。
Avoid using personal pronouns; refer to the SCP as 'it'. While some humanoids are referred once or twice as male or female in their articles, there is usually a good reason for this.
- SCP世界の登場人物全員から自動的に愛されるような人型SCPを書かないでください。異常性の副次作用としてチヤホヤされるのではない限り、財団職員は収容されているオブジェクトに対して、さしたる理由なく、肯定的な感情を口に出すことは普通ありません。
Don't make it so that everyone automatically loves your SCP in-universe. Unless it's a by-product of an effect, there's usually no real reason for personnel to voice positive feelings towards an object.
- 別の場所でも述べたとおり、財団を不必要に邪悪なものや下卑たものに書かないでください。あくまで財団は冷徹でありますが、冷酷ではありません。
That being said, don't make the Foundation be needlessly evil. As said before, the Foundation is cold, not cruel.
- 現実改変者、魔法を使える者、その他圧倒的に強力な人型SCPを成功させるのはちゃんと作るのは激ムズです。実際に、これらの強力な人型SCPの成功例はいくつか存在するものの、DownVoteの嵐を回避して上手く書き上げる人物はほとんどが熟練の腕利き著者です。このタイプで評価が高いSCPは放棄された研究プロジェクト、命の水/トーテンカインダー、常識外れの外科医などです。
Reality-benders, magic users, or overtly superpowered people are really hard to do right. While some have been successfully pulled off, it usually takes a seasoned, experienced writer to do them well enough to not dive-bomb into a negative rating. Examples of well-received SCPs of this type are An Abandoned Project, Liquid Life/Totenkinder, and The Rocket Surgeon.
- 複数の異常な能力や性質を持つ人型SCPを描く際は、それが理にかなったものであり、かつ、全体の調和が取れているか確認してください。
If your humanoid has more than one anomalous effect or property, make sure that they make sense and go together.
Remember, even though they are humanoid, they're still SCP objects in the Foundation's eyes.