砂箱に立てられた白旗(La Bandera Blanca)


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評価: 0+x
2/4607 LEVEL 2/4607
Item #: SCP-4607


SCP-4607-A with various SCP-4607 organisms.

Special Containment Procedures: Two deep-sea surveillance drones are to be deployed for monitoring SCP-4607-A. Vocalizations recorded from SCP-4607 specimens during deep-sea surveillance are to be submitted for analysis.
特別収容プロトコル: SCP-4607-Aを監視するために、二機の深海監視ドローンが配備されます。深海監視中のSCP-4607群から録音された声は収集され、分析を受けます。

Description: SCP-4607 is a complex localized ecosystem of anomalous deep-sea organisms inhabiting the carcass of an adult gray whale (designated as SCP-4607-A), composed of hagfish, sleeper sharks, abyssal sea cucumbers, squat lobsters and bone-eating zombie worms. Calculations indicate that SCP-4607-A will reach the sulfophilic stage1 in eight years.
説明: SCP-4607は成体のコククジラの死体(SCP-4607-Aとします)に存在する、異常性を持つ深海生物から成る隔離された複雑な生態系で、ヌタウナギ、オンデンザメ、深海性ナマコ、コシオレガニ、そしてホネクイハナムシによって構成されています。SCP-4607-Aは8年後に硫化物期2に到達すると計算されています。

SCP-4607 organisms have been observed to communicate with each other through emitting infrasonic vocalizations. Although these sounds are detectable by any standard equipment capable of recording audio, all communication attempts have failed since specimens in captivity have been unresponsive during testing.

SCP-4607-A was discovered by a team of marine biologists led by Site-113 oceanographer and acoustic ecologist Imogen Casbolt in 1987. SCP-4607-A was identified using scanning sonar technology at 1,240-m in the Cascadia Basin, northern Pacific Ocean. On 02/09/1987, during a deep-sea robotic exploration, the first series of vocalizations from SCP-4607 organisms were incidentally recorded.

Addendum: Additional Video Logs
補遺: さらなる映像記録

Update: After SCP-4607-A reached the sulfophilic stage on 01/25/████, research personnel from Site-113 captured and retrieved twenty SCP-4607 specimens for study. As expected, none of the captive SCP-4607 instances shown the same anomalous auditory properties as previously recorded. On 03/28/████, all captive SCP-4607 specimens attached with specialized underwater audio recorders were released on another whalefall on the Cascadia Basin. Research of SCP-4607 is ongoing.

評価: 0+x

アイテム番号: SCP-XXX-JP

オブジェクトクラス: Safe/Euclid/Keter (適切なクラスを選んでください)

特別収容プロトコル: [SCPオブジェクトの管理方法に関する記述]

説明: [SCPオブジェクトの性質に関する記述]

補遺: [SCPオブジェクトに関する補足情報]