by Tanhony 2011
Senior Staff Shenanigans / いたずら上級職員(翻案: いたずら大戦争!)
Dr. Bright sat in the middle of the Cafeteria, the old fashioned computer set before him. Atop said computer was a certain statue of a certain monkey, which many people had tried to obtain. Around him stood, sat, or otherwise existed quite a large number of the junior staff, with a few seniors, all eyes glued to the good doctor.
「で、保存だ。ほうら、これでサイト-19は丸々バックアップされて、よそにEメールで送られた。さあ、これで俺の思った通りの大混乱になったら、再起動だ。」彼はため息をつくと立ち上がって、「そうなったら、俺は『職員いたずら戦争2011』の始まりを公式に宣言する。24時間後に050を持っていた奴は、誰であっても上級職員に昇進だ。今は俺が持ってるから、お前たちはまず俺にいたずらを仕掛けるんだ…… 我らが魂に神の慈悲のあらんことを。」
"And…save. There we go. The entirety of site 19, backed up, and emailed elsewhere, so if this goes as balls up as I expect it to, we can reboot." He sighed, and stood up. "In that case, I officially declare the beginning of the Staff Prank war of 2011. Whoever holds 050 at the end of a 24 hour period will be promoted to the ranks of Senior Staff. I currently hold it, so y'all can start by pranking me… May god have mercy on all our souls."
…And then the bomb under his chair detonated, covering the cafeteria with lime green paint, and incidentally blowing his legs off in the process. Several rooms away, research assistant Renfield took her fingers out of her ears and looked happily down at the monkey statue now gracing her new desk.
Dmitri studied his reflection for a moment, adjusted the angle of his hat, then exited his quarters. The heel irons in his boots clicked on the linoleum floors as he walked briskly through the halls of Site 19. Those going about their daily business knew to stay out of the way when Strelnikov was about; his movements had purpose, and that could only mean a disaster was looming.
Indeed it was. Renfield's office was only two floors down from his own.
「レンド・フィールドはどいつだ?」 誰も答えない。
Before he even knew it, he was reading the nametag on her door. Or rather, he was reading her name amongst a list of other assistants who shared this office. As he kicked the door off its hinges, he decided it didn't really matter whose office it was. His boots left dents in the sheet metal as he stepped over the broken door and surveyed the group of cowering interns, hand resting casually on his holster.
"Which ones of you is Rend Field." No answer.
「お前ら一人ずつ撃ち続けてやるぞ! レンド・フィールドがどいつか言うまでな!」研修生の一団はモーセの海割りのごとく散り散りになり、生意気そうな若い女が1人真ん中に残った。ドミトリは女に歯を剥き出しにして怒鳴った。
「ジャックのクサレ野郎め! クソでも食らいやがれ!」
"I WILL SHOOT ONE OF YOU EVERY MINUTE UNTIL I AM TOLD WHICH ONES OF YOU IS REND FIELD." The group parted like the Red Sea, leaving a smug looking young girl standing alone in the center. Dmitri's teeth shone as he growled at her.
"Dmitri, you can't just shoot whoever is holding the monkey and expect to get it. That isn't a prank." Bright's wheelchair bumped into the back of Dmitri's leg as he manhandled it around. "And get out of the damn way."
ドミトリはブライトに指を突きつけ、「いたずらだ! このいたずらは前にもやったことがある! 2回あった戦争の両方でな!」
"It's not a prank, Dmitri."
"Dmitri. It's over. You're out of the competition now, for good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go deal with Renfield in the infirmary….smug little bitch. You could have at least killed her."
Strelnikov sighed heavily and returned to the quiet of his quarters, trying to reconcile himself to the fact that 050 would never be his.
Agent Lament whistled quietly to himself, glancing down at his watch, nodding amiably to the nurse as she walked into Renfield's room carrying an IV bag of saline. Lament smirked slightly and started walking down the hallway, heading toward his extremely messy office and waiting outside the door.
Renfield moaned in her sleep, the drugs having her knocked out completely. The nurse hooked up the IV bag, checked the prone woman's vitals, and left the room. Within three minutes Renfield's skin started to develop large, round hives, then her neck and throat started to swell as a severe allergic reaction set in, followed by her eyes shooting open as the stimulants hit her bloodstream. She tried to scream but couldn't, her throat beginning to close as she desperately hit the call button again and again and again…
Lament opened his door, looking into his office and smiling slightly at the statue. Now… How the hell could he get rid of it before someone noticed that he had it?
現代社会のあらゆる場面において、コンピューターがどれだけ深く浸透しているかを、ほとんどの人間は正しく評価できない。財団でもそれは例外ではなかった。全てのハードコピー、報告書、研究ノート、フィールドログ、写真データがいずれかのコンピューター・データベースに保存されているにもかかわらず、である。全ての職員の異動、要求書、セキュリティ・フィードも、どこかのハードドライブの中に0と1の形で構成されているのだ。サイト-19のバックアップが転送され警報が発せられたとき、彼には時が来たと分かった。カップ — フルネームの発音をを間違えられるのに嫌気がさして名乗っている名だ — はサイトの奥深くで腰を下ろし、夢中でタイピングしていた。コードを書く人間や一流のハードウェア屋には、独自性が極めて高いいくつもの規律やセキュリティクリアランスがある。ある人物に対して等級に応じて公開される情報の量は、その人物の経歴の長さにダイレクトに比例している。ところが、ネットワークを管理し、ワークステーションの機能を維持する連中は、ほとんどの研究員より多くのことを知っているのだ。それでも、おそらく用務員一人が知っていることよりは少ないが。
Few people had a true appreciation for just how ingrained computers were with every single aspect of modern society, and the Foundation was no exception. Despite all the hard copies, every report, every researcher's note, every field log and every file photo was logged into a computer database somewhere. Every personnel transfer, every requisition form, every security feed, all set up in little 0's and 1's on a hard drive somewhere. When the transfer of Site 19's backup set off some alarms, he knew it was time. Kap - a name adopted because he was sick of people mispronouncing his full name - was sitting and typing away deep in the bowels of the Site. The coders and hardware gurus had a whole, unique set of regulations and security clearances, and the amount of information you were exposed to above your classification level was directly proportional to your time on the job. The guys that ran the networks and made sure the workstations functioned knew more than most of the researchers, though maybe not as much as that one janitor.
生理食塩水と既知のアレルゲンの混合物が、際限なくエスカレートするいたずら合戦でしか使われていない。そのことに気付いた彼が復讐を開始するために必要なのは、キーボードを二、三回叩くことだけだった。組み込まれたプログラム群が別の指令を列挙し、その指令がさらなる一括処理を開始する。嘘のIPや偽のアドレスだけを列挙したものはtake the average user months to back-trace, and他のコンピュータースタッフはビールやピザ、そして、きっちりと整理整頓された仕事場を割り当てるという約束で買収されていた。オフィスのドアを開けようとしたラメントは、箱が一つ、たった一つそこに置いてあるのを見た。丁寧にプレゼント用の包装がされており、きちんと蝶結びされたリボンが付いている。誕生日が近いわけでもなく、しかし爆弾やら何やらが安全な財団サイトのこんなに奥深くにあるわけもない。そこで、彼はその箱を部屋に持ち込み、開けた。
Once he realized that a mixed batch of saline and known allergens could only be used for the ever-escalating prank contests, a few key strokes were all it took to set retaliation in motion. A series of embedded programs ticked off other protocols which activated further batch processes. The sheer array of false IPs and bogus addresses would take the average user months to back-trace, and any of the other computer staff were already well-bribed with beer, pizza, and the promise of a neat and orderly work area. Lament opened the door to his office, seeing a single, solitary box laying there, carefully gift-wrapped and tied with a neat bow. It wasn't even close to his birthday, but there was no way any sort of bomb or other device could have made it that deep into a secure Foundation site, so he took it inside and opened it up.
Kap was as surprised as anyone when the little monkey appeared on top of his computer tower, and sighed slightly at the poor devil who was going to have to treat Lament and clean up the hundreds of tiny insects from his office. After all, the present was bees.
インシデント 2011-██
INCIDENT 2011-██
T-330 minutes
Researcher Eisenberg seen carrying a set of mechanic tattooing equipment, origin unknownT-310 minutes
Researcher Eisenberg seen entering the enclosure of SCP-1006, carrying a bucket, a stack of papers, and his personal copies of Assorted Writings of V.I. Lenin, and History of VKS(b).T-260 minutes.
Researcher Eisenberg seen leaving the enclosure of SCP-1006, carrying a bucket.
T-245 minutes
Researcher Eisenberg enters SCP-786's secure room in Site-19 storage.T-0
Junior System Administrator Kap seen entering medical wing, distraught, lacking vestments, and covered in spiderwebs. A 1:3 greyscale full body portrait of V.I.Lenin can be seen on his back, and a text later identified as the entire text of "State and Revolution" in 8 pt. font covering his chest, abdomen, and both thighs.T+20 minutes
Desk of Researcher Eisenberg [REDACTED], markedly improving the filing order.
ルーズ・E・R1博士はまた看板を確認した。アイゼンベルグのオフィスは……321号室? いや、待てよ。312だ。彼は廊下を早歩きで歩きだした。誰より先にそこにたどり着けるよう祈りながら。
Dr. Los E. R. checked the sign again. Eisenberg's office was room…321? No, wait, 312. He set off at a brisk pace down the hallway, hoping to get there before anyone else did.
309, 310, 311…There we go, 312. Los E. R. gave a quick knock and pushed the door open without waiting for a reply. Researcher Eisenberg visibly balked at the sudden intrusion, his eyes darting to the statue on his desk before reaching for the top drawer.
「まあ、まあ、まあ! 落ち着いて。何もしないから!」ルーズ・E・Rは手のひらを見せて言った。「ほらね? ごめんよ、キミがそんなに驚くとは思わなかったんだ。」
「キミが1006にカップを網にかけさせたという話で、サイトじゅう持ち切りなんだ。一つ言わせてくれ、素晴らしい! 網だなんて誰が想像したか!」ルーズ・E・Rは1人でくっくっく、と笑った。「ああ、ボクのことは気にしないで。誰かに恐ろしいいたずらをしかけたいなんて思ってないから。ボクなんてきっと病院送りだ。手の込んだいたずらなんて全く向いてないからね。」
"Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down, I'm not going to do anything!" Los E. R. held his palms out. "See? Sorry, didn't think you'd be so jumpy."
Eisenberg stopped, eyeing the doctor warily, but kept his hand resting on the top drawer. "What do you want?"
"Word around the site is that you got 1006 to net Kap. Just wanted to say, that's brilliant! No one ever expects nets!" Los E. R. chuckled to himself. "Oh, don't worry about me. I'm not going to pull some horrendous prank. I'd probably end up in the hospital, I've never been really good at elaborate pranks."
ルーズ・E・Rは噴き出して笑い出し、机に寄りかかって支えにした。「タトゥーを入れさせた? レーニンの写真の!? 天才だ! どうすればそんなこと思いつくんだい!? おいおい、ボクはそんなこと、一度もやってのけたことないぞ。そういう手の込んだいたずらはてんでダメなんだ。どうなんだい、あの小さな共産主義者どもに、自分で話しかけたのかい?」
Eisenberg seemed to relax slightly at Los E. R.'s reassurance, but wasn't totally swayed. "No, it wasn't nets, exactly…I had them tattoo Lenin on him."
Los E. R. burst out laughing, leaning on the desk for support. "You had them tattoo a portrait of Lenin?! That's genius! How does someone come up with something like that?! Oh man, I'd never pull something like that off, I'm no good with those elaborate pranks. Did you actually talk to those little commies yourself?"
Eisenberg smiled and chuckled nervously. "Yeah, it wasn't too hard to get them to agree. I mean, it was Lenin after all. Talking to a bunch of spiders though…that was kinda creepy. They were all over the place."
"I can tell. You've got a cobweb on your coat, here let me…" Los E. R. reached forward and scratched at Eisenbergs lapel. On instinct, he glanced down to catch a glimpse of the bit of silk wafting from his collar, only to get a flick on the nose.
Stunned, he watched as Los E. R. laughed one more time before he scooped SCP-050 from his desk and exited the room. As he disappeared around the door frame, Eisenberg heard him chuckle.
"Never was any good with those elaborate pranks."
"Hey, Los."
Los E. R. felt a chill run down his spine at the voice. "Oh no," he whimpered. "Not HIM…"
He turned around, clutching the monkey statue to his chest, as a breathtakingly ugly middle-aged man walked down the hall towards him. "Relax," Clef said. "I don't want that statue. I'm already senior staff, and I have no interest in Bright's games. You're safe from me."
Los E. R. sighed in relief. "Oh, thank god," he said. "I really did not want to be subject to a prank by you."
"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm beyond that sort of bullshit anyway. I always thought that stuff was kinda stupid. In fact, as a sign of my goodwill, I'll escort you back to your office."
Los E. R. quickly followed Clef down the hallway. It was amazing, he thought, what the presence of that man could do. A researcher leaped out from around the corner holding a giant creme pie, which he rapidly put down and walked away from. A man wearing a hockey mask and holding a machete took off his costume and had a sheepish talk with the Senior Researcher. It was wonderful.
"Well, here we are," Clef said.
Los E. R. looked up at the door and frowned. "This isn't my office," he said.
「何だって? おっと、しまった。悪いな。571だったな、517じゃなく。行こうぜ。」
「いいって。おい、ルーズ? ブライトのお遊びに興味はないと言ったな?」クレフは歯を見せて笑った。にんまりとした、不吉で邪悪な笑みだった。「あれはウソだ。」
"What? Oh, oops. Sorry. 571, not 517. Let's go."
Clef led the junior staff member to the other side of the floor, and to his office. "Well, here we are… again," he said, a few minutes later.
"Thanks a lot, Dr. Clef," Los E. R. said. "I really appreciate it."
"No problem. Oh, Los? Remember when I said I had no interest in Bright's games?" Clef grinned, a huge, evil, sinister grin. "I lied."
That was when the door of Los' office exploded outward, and five thousand gallons of compressed shaving cream flooded the hallway.
Clef watched Los being carried away in the avalanche of white foam, and wiped a little spot off his jacket. "Go get em', Adams," he murmured.
経理のエド(みんな彼のことを「経理のエド」だと思っている。彼自身もそうだ。14年続けている仕事だ)はいたずら戦争が大嫌いだった。職員の時間のムダ、建物の維持管理費のムダ、負傷者のためにかかる費用のムダ。もし彼に頼むならそう言われるだろう……そんな者はいないが。普段の脅威 — 書類仕事、予算削減、会計監査 — は取るに足りない。もっとクリエイティブな手段が求められていた。
Ed from Accounting (everyone thought of him as "Ed from Accounting" — including himself after 14 years at the job) hated the prank wars. A waste of staff time, the building maintenance budget, and the cost of injuries, if you asked him…which no one did. The usual threats — paperwork, budget cuts, audits — never seemed to work. More creative means were called for.
エドはジョンソン下級研究員に電話をかけた。「準備できたか? そうか、そりゃいい! 俺の事務所に持ってきてくれ。」
Ed called Junior Researcher Johnson. "Is it ready? … really? Good! Bring it around to my office."
Fifteen minutes later, Johnson was in Ed's dingy, cluttered office, handing him a small brown bag. Ed looked in the bag and smiled. "How long will it stay that way?"
"Weeks" Johnson replied. "at least, if no one touches it."
エドは袋を自分のブリーフケースに、小さな紙束と一緒に入れた。12時20分? よし、アダムスは昼食に行っている。エドは彼女のオフィスに向かった。
Ed put the bag in his briefcase, along with a small stack of papers. 12:20? Good. Adams would be off to lunch. He headed up to her office.
Ed knocked on the door, then let himself in. Good, no one there. It was easy to swap the item on Adams' desk for the one in the bag. He slipped the Form 1661-G under the inner door for Dr. Clef. That would excuse his visit; the auditors really did need it next week.
Back downstairs in his office, Ed opened a file cabinet and dropped SCP-050, still in its bag, next to the 2004 Operating Budget reports. It looked like someone's long-forgotten lunch. He didn't care the least bit about "winning" it — he just wanted it out of circulation.
No one would guess that he had the wit to obtain it.
No one would guess that he had pulled this particular prank, since he wasn't supposed to have any access to SCPs.
No one ever came down to Accounting if they could help it.
SCP-050 would be there for a long time.
When they found the fake, they would blame Johnson, who had shown some real success in training SCP-157.
Research Assistant Reject was having a nice, calm day, sipping his coffee and skimming through his newest batch of paperwork while strolling down the hallway to his office. He was called Reject for a very good reason: although he had been a member of the Foundation for ten years, he had been the same rank for over seven of them. He even called himself Reject. His bachelorhood had hopelessly dragged on much longer than he had ever hoped. He was used to being a reject. That was, until he spotted a man in a suit walking into Dr. Clef's office.
Reject was never known as an especially observant person, but today was different. He had heard about some pranks going on, but he didn't really care about any of that. He was determined to work his way up the ladder without shaving cream or explosives, just with hard work and dedication. Until he saw a very happy man running out of Dr. Clef's office, his arms crossed upon his chest. Reject could see a brown paper bag bobbing slightly above and below the man's arms. His interest piqued, Reject decided to follow him.
男は、歩いている間一度も振り返らなかった。リジェクトは難なく男の後をつけることができた。10分後、リジェクトは気付いた。自分たちは、なんて遠くまで歩いてきたんだ。彼が顔を向けた先には、看板に「経理 —>」と書かれていて、彼が行く先を指し示していた。さらに2分後、男は急に曲がると事務所に入った。リジェクトがその部屋を覗き込むと、もう一人の男が、今追いかけてきた男と短い会話を交わしてバッグを受け取るのが見えた。二人の男が事務所から出てきたので、リジェクトは曲がり角に身を隠した。
The man never turned around as he walked. Reject didn't have any trouble following him. Ten minutes later, Reject realized just how far they had walked. He turned his head. "Accounting —>" was written on a sign, pointing in the direction that he was going. After another couple of minutes, the man turned sharply into an office. Reject peeked into the room to see another man converse shortly with the man he had followed and take the bag. Reject ducked behind a corner as both men exited the office.
Reject attempted to follow the man with the bag, but lost him in the maze of cubicles and offices in this unknown sector. Reject turned to leave, but decided not to let this go. This chance was his. He called up an old friend from Sector 28 with a favor to ask. His friend agreed, and in an hour, Reject knew that he would have the chance to become a Senior Staff member. He went to his office and placed an empty coffee mug alongside a mostly unread folder of paperwork.
One hour later, Reject met his friend in the cafeteria. Reject's friend handed him a bag with two words written on it. "DON'T LOSE." Reject smiled, and walked briskly down towards the accounting offices. Once there, he took the item out of the bag. Staring at a sentient calculator was a new experience for him. After befriending SCP-168, he asked his new buddy a favor. The calculator agreed in return for the ability to see the rest of the prank war. Reject dropped SCP-168 in the office he had seen before as soon as the man inhabiting it left. Reject admired his handiwork. He took a seat on a nearby chair. When the man returned, he gave Reject a questioning glance, but dismissed it. After five minutes in his office, a scream was heard. When the man exited his office, his face was pale white. In his hand was SCP-168.
男は電卓を見て言った。「分かった分かった、そこに行こう。そうしないと世界が終わるなんて知らなかったんだ! 大変だ……」リジェクトは1人でクスクス笑い、通路を走り出した男の後を追った。男は書類棚にたどり着いて立ち止まった。男の指は棚をなぞり、「2004年経常予算報告 1月~3月」のところで止まった。男は電卓のキーを叩き始めた。少し間を置いて電卓が答えた。男は驚いて飛び退いた。彼は金切り声で、「いいや! バカバカしい猿のところに連れてきたじゃないか! ありえない!」リジェクトはこの見知らぬ男の不平不満に早々に飽きてしまい、男の顎にアッパーカットを、さらに鼻に肘鉄を、素早く見舞った。男が倒れるとき、リジェクトはSCP-168と茶色いバッグを掴んだ。彼は大喜びしながら自分のオフィスに向かって歩き始めた。床の上で気絶したままの経理員をもう一度見た。そして彼は笑い、この血なまぐさい騙し合いに背を向けると、ブラブラと自分のオフィスに戻った。新たな自信を胸に。
The man looked at the calculator and said "Okay, okay. I'll go get it. I didn't realize the world would end if I didn't! I feel so awful…" Reject chuckled to himself and began to shadow the man as he hurried down the hallways. When they arrived at a file cabinet, the man stopped. He ran his finger along the cabinet until he reached "2004 Operating Budget Reports Jan-Mar." He started typing on the calculator. After a short period, the calculator responded. The man jumped back, aghast. He yelped "No! I brought you to the stupid monkey! That can't be!" Reject quickly decided he'd had enough of complaining from this unknown man and dealt a swift uppercut to the jaw followed by an elbow to the nose. As he fell, Reject grabbed SCP-168 and the brown paper bag. Overjoyed, he began to walk back to his office. He looked once more at the unconscious accountant on the ground. And then he laughed, and left this bloody, deceptive business behind him as he strolled back towards his office with a renewed sense of confidence.
"Nevah let practicality stand in de way of art, my cousin." The humongously fat Hawaiian nodded ponderously at the uniformed corpse held aloft in his hand, then slowly shook it so that it's head nodded along. Chuckling to himself, he slipped the matchbook the poor guard had died failing to protect into an outer pocket of his enormous satchel next to a tarnished canteen, and waddled out of the ruined containment unit and down the hallway toward the personnel wing.
Flanked by a pair of traitor guards, their sleeves rolled up to reveal liberty cuffs emblazoned with blaring abstract designs, the huge man reflected on the work and planning that had gone into this effort. It was impractical, sure. Infiltrating the Foundation's security forces alone had taken months. Fortunately, the prank war was a regular yearly event, so he'd had plenty of time to prepare.
"Ah, here it tis."
He stopped in front of a particular office, grinning as he began pulling the necessary materials from his satchel. A small funnel, a length of tubing, the matchbox and canteen, and hundreds of small paper packets, which his helpers began opening one by one.
It didn't take long to tape the tubing to the mouth of the canteen, and slide the other end under the door. It took only a little longer to funnel the contents of the packets into the gap, and considerably less to open the matchbook and slide it in as well before sealing the gap completely with more tape. Once their work was done, the big man rose and nodded to his companions, then paused to doodle a small cartoon on the door before heading back down the hallway they'd come in by and leave the facility.
その日のうち、忠実な警備員たちがSCP-649と109に何が起こったかを必死で解明しようとしているときに、自分のオフィスに来たリジェクトは、山高帽をかぶった太った男が彼に中指を突き立てている、漫画風の似顔絵が落書きされているのを見つけた。こんな文章が添えられている。「ブラダ・グローヴ6にいたずらされた! Are We Cool Yet?」
Later that day, as loyal security men tried desperately to work out what had happened to SCP's 649 and 109, Reject arrived at his office to find a scribbled caricature on his door of a fat man in a bowler hat giving him the finger, with the text "PRANKED BY BRUDDAH GROVE! Are We Cool Yet?".
Reject had just enough time to curse before the door burst and he was swamped by a massive wave of lime jello.
Dr. Los E. R. dug a finger in his ear, trying to dig out the last vestiges of shaving cream. He winced as the dried bits twisted painfully before crumbling lose. Site 19 was a maze on the best of days, and on Senior Staff Shenanigans day it was a minefield. He rerouted around the third floor; he had heard that someone had gotten their hands on a metric ton of hissing cockroaches and thermite. He skirted the south side of the fourth floor, trying to find his way back to the restrooms to wash up. If memory served, it was at the end of the hall on his right, next door to where they put Research Assistant Reject after he somehow managed to shrink his office to a third of its original size.
彼は腰に付いたクリームを落としながら、自分が何に足を踏み入れているか気付いた。不審に思って、もっとよく見ようと足を上げた。ライムのような、ハッカか何かのような匂い。見た目は、言うなれば、緑色をした……スライム? 彼が廊下を見渡すとリジェクトがいた。その液体の水たまりのなかで横たわっている。気を失っているのか、それとも死
He was scrapping dried flakes of cream from his lower back when he noticed he what he was walking in. Quizzically, he raised a foot to get a better look. Smells a little like lime, kind of minty. Looks like some kind of green…slime? He glanced down the hallway and saw Reject, lying in a puddle of the stuff. He was either out cold, or dea-
Los E. R.'s heart skipped a beat as he put two and two together.
Screaming incoherently, Dr. Los E. R. hurtled back the way he came, sticky green jello foot prints marking his progress to the nearest SCP-447 alarm.
ブラダ・グローヴは警報音が鳴って立ち止まった。ブラスト・ドアが滑り出てきて出口を塞ぐ。How poetic, so close to freedom with artifacts of power.引きずって来ていた警備員の死体と一緒に、仲間に手を振った。
Bruddah Grove paused as the klaxon sounded. Blast doors slid into place over the exit. How poetic, so close to freedom with artifacts of power. With the dead security guard he had been dragging along, he waved at his companion.
"Dis noise, have they figured out what we are doing?"
The traitorous guard shook his head, the blood draining from his face. "That's the 447 alert. They've locked the exits. They're going to detonate the on-site warhead."
There was a full moment of silence.
Carefully picking each word, Bruddah Grove looked at the tiny man.
「待て!」もう一人の警備員が活気づいて言った。「サイトの汚水処理タンクだ! ブライトがうっかり523を流してから、奴らは汚水タンクを強化し始めてるんだ。爆発にも耐えられるかもしれないぞ!」
"How doh we get out den?"
The two guards looked at each other nervously. "We don't. We could try to get to the O5 bunker, but we can't make it from here. It's fifty levels down-"
"Wait!" The other guard perked up. "The Site septic tank! I know that they've started reenforcing them ever since Bright accidentally flushed 523. It might be able to withstand the blast!"
わずかな希望の光にすがって — その望んだ物にどれだけの価値があるかはともかく — 三人組は死に物狂いで廊下を走っていった。
"The Sewage Access Hatch isn't far from here, we can make it if we hurry!"
Taking the slim glimmer of hope for what ever it was worth, the trio hurried desperately down the hall.
O5-8 sighed. This was not the first time the 447 alert had been sounded on Senior Staff Shenanigans Day. Before flipping the switch and killing everyone on-site, he took a moment to make sure it was a dead body. If it wasn't, no harm done. If it was, well…the nuke wouldn't do any good, anyways.
A quick check later confirmed that Research Assistant Reject was not, in fact, dead. Perhaps more importantly, it turned out that it wasn't even 447 slime at all. With an irritated grumble, he switched of the klaxon. This prank war was stupid.
Bruddah Grove sat in the filth of the entire Site, watching his two companions float face down in the lanterns pale light. He might be here for a while, and they were using up too much air. He reflected on how their lungs filled with filth and life drained from their bodies, a testament to how life starts pure and ignorance weighs innocence down with shit. A haiku rose unbidden from his lips.
"Here I stew in filth,(私はここで汚物に浸かって苦しんでいる、)
Waiting for the Bombs Big Boom.(爆弾の大爆発を待ちながら。)
Now, Are We Cool Yet?"(さあ、我々はクールだったか?)
"Here I stew in filth,
Waiting for the Bombs Big Boom.
Now, Are We Cool Yet?"
Dr. Los E. R. felt rather silly. Of course it was another prank. He should have known. It probably wasn't even meant for him.
Having long since given up hope of finding a bathroom to clean up in, he had started to work his way back to his office. Pushing the door open, a bucket of water immediately fell from atop the door. Irritated yet strangely grateful to get some kind of wash, he lifted the rim of the bucket to find the monkey sitting on his desk.
Junior Researcher Byantara had prepared a whole week in advance for this day. With Senior Staff position at stake, there was no reason not to be prepared. Crazy prepared, in his case.
Six days, thirteen hours, forty-five minutes and nine seconds ago, Byantara was profusely apologising to a very unamused Doctor Crow, surrounded by the products of twenty-three very startled Malayan Stink Badgers which had now escaped their cages and were clawing the wallpaper off Doctor Crow's office. Long story short, it was yet another round of maintenance duty for him.
Four days, seven hours, two minutes and fifty-five seconds ago, Byantara began painting the offices on the third floor of Block 2A, by himself, using two paint rollers, a crate of white paint, a box of plaster, a crate of tomatoes, and several dozen rolled-up meters of ultra-thin semi-permeable tubing.
Two days, twelve hours, thirty-seven minutes and thirty-two seconds ago, a parcel arrived for Site-19, sealed with black tape and hastily recovered from designated post box PO-2354 by a certain shifty-looking Junior Researcher sent to collect the daily personal mail.
One day, two hours, and exactly forty-nine seconds ago, Byantara finished his lab work, packed up, cleaned Chamber 2A-2-1 and secured several large marital aids to the floor before locking up. He proceeded similarly for Chamber 2A-2-3, -2-5, -2-7 and -2-9, and left the building with a little smile. Now, all that was left was to hope someone in Block 2A actually managed to get hold of 050.
One hour, three minutes and twenty-one seconds ago, he idly browsed through the frantically compiled digital record of SCP-050 possession. Soon it would arrive. From Bright, to Clef, to Reject…
ビヤンタラはページを更新し、まずいコーヒーを吐き出し、研究室を飛び出した。彼の右手にはリモコン(緑のボタンが一つだけついている)があり、中央通信室への道中、彼はそれを素早く連打した。ルーズ博士のペンキ塗りたての部屋の天井裏にTucked in safely mere inches, 48本のプラスチック製男根ファルスがブンブンうなり始めた。
Byantara refreshed the page, spat out his acrid coffee, and dashed out of the lab. In his right hand was a remote, with a single green button, and he mashed it in double time to his steps towards the central communications office. Tucked in safely mere inches above the ceiling of Doctor Los's freshly painted office, forty-eight plastic phalluses began to hum.
As expected, not only was the comms office a very long distance away, it was also utter chaos. Someone had sounded some sort of alarm beforehand, and whoever was meant to be guarding the place were long gone, leaving dog-eared papers in their wake. Chuckling to himself, he called up the speaker of Office 2A-3-5.
Five seconds. Four seconds. Byantara cleared his throat. Three. The collective vibrations caused by the forty-eight sex toys would be building up to the maximum by now, shaking the ceiling - and walls - of every office on the floor below it, rupturing the many little sachets of tomato juice seeded in the plaster beneath the apple-scented white paint. Two.
Junior Researcher Byantara took a deep breath. One.
In his office, Doctor Los E. R. cowered beneath his desk as the walls began to bleed and the ceiling screamed his name. He was too busy wetting his pants to notice SCP-050 disappear from his office, later to be found in the locker of Junior Researcher Byantara.
「血まみれルーズ……あれでもいたずらとして作用するとは驚きだ……」アイゼンベルグ研究員は机に向かい、亜麻布リンネル製の猫のナスタシアを上の空で撫でていた。「あいつにcut the latinのやりかたを教えてやろうか……待てよ、いい考えじゃないか。」アイゼンベルグ研究員はオフィスを飛び出し、汗だくで戻ってきた。重いラテン語辞書を持っている。仕事の始まりだ。
"Bloody Los… Surprised that even worked as a prank… " Researcher Eisenberg sat at his desk, absentmindedly stroking Nastasia, his linen cat. "I'll teach him to cut the latin…wait, that's an idea.".
Researcher Eisenberg rushed out of his office, and returned rather sweaty, holding a heavy Latin dictionary. Work has just begun.
およそ1時間後 — 言語は彼の強みというわけではなかった — アイゼンベルグ研究員はSCP-758の収容セルにやってきた。消し跡でひどく擦り切れた紙を1枚、持っている。彼の想像に過ぎないかもしれないが、見たところ、ヴァシーリィは大量の修正を加える前にため息をついたようだった。今のところの記録を一見すると、その像の所有者は彼が準備を始めてから複数回変わっているものの、現在は名も無き下級研究員の机の上に鎮座している……その人物の名前は非常にくどいものだった。「ビ・ヤ・ン・タ・ラ……やれやれ、それに、俺のサーネームは長ったるいと思う。」アイゼンベルグ研究員はため息をつき、鉛筆を取り出した。
About an hour later - languages weren't exactly his strong side - Researcher Eisenberg arrived into the containment cell of SCP-758, with a sheet of paper heavily worn out with eraser marks. It might have been his imagination, but it seemed that upon seeing it, Vasili let out a sigh before introducing an ample amount of corrections. A glance at the current tally showed him however, that the statue has changed owners several times since he started his preparations, currently residing at the desk of some no-name Junior Researcher… whose name was actually rather lengthy. "Byan-ta-ra… bloody hell, and I thought my surname was unwieldy." Researcher Eisenberg sighed and took out a pencil.
"Bloody hell, hope this ink is black enough…" His sweaty hands grabbed the worn leather of SCP-141, an act that would make many a bibliophile cringe, and he began to laboriously scribble onto the first free page, trying to imitate the original writing as well as possible. "..e-ra-tio … that should be it". Shaking with expectation, he ran to the nearest internet-enabled terminal.
A quick search, and even quicker email from a disposable address later, Vladim. A. Eisenberg, in his mind already a Senior Researcher, walked back to his office.
ビヤンタラ下級研究員は机に向かい、一日分の仕事の成果を満喫していた。SCP-050が彼の驚くほどきれいなデスクの上に立っている。もし今日が運がいい日なら、財団職員の中でも限られた、階級を飛ばして昇進した数少ない者の1人になれることだろう。「Wonder if Los has caught them all… he's lucky there isn't 151.. I wonder if the big one counts as Sn-」
Sitting at his desk, Junior Researcher Byantara was enjoying the fruit of a day's work - SCP-050 stood on his surprisingly clean table, and if it was his lucky day, he might just about be among the few Foundation employees to ever skip a rank. "Wonder if Los has caught them all… he's lucky there isn't 151.. I wonder if the big one counts as Sn-"
His thoughts were interrupted by a kick into the door, and in the next moment, he had to take cover behind his desk from a hail of bullets, accompanied by an even stronger hail of high-fidelity Russian swearing. A desk that the monkey statue has conveniently disappeared from.
To: gro.pcs|vokinlertsad#gro.pcs|vokinlertsad
From: moc.rotaniliam|detimilnu_sexnyl#moc.rotaniliam|detimilnu_sexnyl
Subject: お前が誰と一緒に働いているか見てみな、ドミトリ
To: gro.pcs|vokinlertsad#gro.pcs|vokinlertsad
From: moc.rotaniliam|detimilnu_sexnyl#moc.rotaniliam|detimilnu_sexnyl
Subject: Take a look at who you work with, Dimitri
Junior Researcher Byantara is an interesting man, isn't it?
Researcher Eisenberg prepared himself a cup of tea, and against all rules of hygiene, kissed the small statue, which responded by giving him a mild electric shock.
「おい相棒、今日わざわざお前を訪ねてくるようなやつはいないようだな。残念だとは思うが、色んなことが起こっていて、でもその起こっているのは楽しいことだ。いたずらがどんなものか知ってるか? よし。俺がいたずらするのを手伝いたくはないか? ああ気にするな誰も傷つかない。ここにM&M'sチョコがある。ウマイだろ? 俺を手伝いたくなったな。いいことだ! 計画はこうだ……」
" Hey buddy, I see no one has bothered to come see you today. I'm sorry for that, alot of shi..stuff has been going on ,but it's fun stuff. You know what a prank is? Good, you wanna help me with one? Oh don't worry no one will get hurt, and here have some MnMs. Tasty aren't they? You wanna help me now. That's great! Here's the plan."
As he watched the gelatinous form move from the room, a smile formed on Junior Researcher Tad's face. It was his time to shine for once. It was luck that he walked by Eisenberg's office just in time to see the statue appear on his desk.
アイゼンベルグは紅茶をすすりながら、自分が手に入れたものを数秒に一回見ていた。また、ドアを注意深く見ていた — この像を勝ち取ろうとする愚か者が現れないように。通気孔を確認することを思いついてさえいればよかったのだが。オレンジの物体が降りてきたとき、その偽足は準備が整っていた。アイゼンベルグは上を見た。彼は、ハーブの強い香りがあったにもかかわらず、それとは別の香りに気付いた。その毛皮の匂いは彼には判別できなかったが、なぜそんなことがありうるだろう? 彼があたりを見回したとき、突然甲高い声がして、その後叫び声がした。
Eisenberg sipped at his tea, giving glances to his prize every few seconds. He also kept an eye on the door. Making sure that no fool would try to win the statue. If only he thought to check the airvent. As the orange form lowered down, it's pseudopods at the ready. Eisenberg looked up; Even with the strong smell of herbs in his nose he picked up another scent. The smell of the fur was indistinguishable to him, yet how could it be? As he turned around a high pitched squealed erupted followed by a shout.
The statue appeared alongside Tad at his cubicle. He was going to enjoy the next few minutes, than probably regret getting involved in the first place. At least his desk looked organized for once.
タッドが開いているドアを通り抜けると、そこで揺らめいていたバケツが前のめりに傾き、彼の頭に落ちてきた。君は頭全体を覆い尽くされたことがあるか? それも、ただの馬のフンではなく、恐ろしいアイデアが詰まった馬のフンで、だ。いい気分ではない。タッドは幸運にも、SCP-100-Jから恐ろしい何ものかが這い出てくるより先に卒倒した。
As Tad passed through an open door, the bucket teetering there fell forward, onto his head. Have you even had your entire head covered, not just in horse shit, but horse shit filled with horrible ideas? It's not a pleasant feeling. Luckily, Tad passed out before something horrible crawled out of SCP-100-J.
Father Jakal looked up from his prayers, at the monkey statue which had appeared on his podium. A slight smile graced his lips. "Fuck, i didn't think that'd really work!"
プッロ・ウォレヌス博士はレベル2研究員でSafeクラスアイテムのスペシャリストだ。彼はサイト-19の非宗教的多目的礼拝堂兼火葬場兼納骨堂を通り過ぎようとして立ち止まった。彼の知る限りにおいて、聖職者があんな風に悪態をつくことは通常はない。少なくとも、故郷の神父はそんなことしなかった — コワルスキ神父が酔っ払ったとき以外は。頭を突っ込んで見てみると、ジャッカル神父が小さな像を撫でているのが見えた。彼は自分の小さな共用オフィスへと走った。
Dr Pullo Vorenus, Level 2 Researcher and Safe item specialist, paused as he walked past Site-19's nondenominational multipurpose chapel-crematorium-ossuary. As far as he could tell, priests didn't usually swear like that in church. At least, the priests back home hadn't. Except for Father Kowalski. When he was drunk. He poked his head in, and saw Father Jakal stroking a small statue. Then he ran to his small, shared office.
After an hour or so of research, Doctor Vorenus was ready. He stopped by the Safe item storage lockers, and checked out a certain item, under the guise of "additional research on the effects of the object when combined with religious exultation and tagiatelle". A quick trip to the Site cafeteria, and the acquisition of some high-powered arc lights, and he was done. After telling the priest that his presence had been requested in the depths of the accounting department, he was ready to prepare.
Father Jakal returned, still clutching the statue with a death grip. He seemed determined that nobody separate him from 050 from even a moment. As he entered the multipurpose nondenominational chapel-crematorium-ossuary, the door slammed shut and a heavenly light shone down on him from On High. He fell to his knees as a voice from Above called out into his mind, "Father Jakal, thou hast been chosen." As he knelt gasping, trying to for a coherent sentence, the Voice continued, "Thou shalt be My prophet on this earth. I shall show thee My true form, that thou may tell of Me to all thy fellows." The lights brightened, and Father Jakal shaded his eyes, cowering even further before the Lord his God. All the lights in the chapel shut off suddenly, and a form appeared above him in the rafters, lit from within. As he looked up, in full religious exultation, something fell onto his shoulder and slid to the floor with a plop. "Thou hast been touched by My Noodly Appendage. Rejoice. And eat thy grains."
Doctor Vorenus smiled, as he heard Father Jackal stomp out and call for a janitor. After putting the megaphone back in its locker, he returned to his shared office, and found his half meticulously cleaned. The precise line between the dirty and clean carpet might be hard to explain to his office-mate, but he was sure he could figure it out. After all, he was Doctor Pullo Vorenus, Level 2 Researcher, Safe Item Specialist, current owner of a small statue, and devout Pastafarian.
It was an interesting day for Mess Hall 2. In the chaos of Prank Day, it had somehow transformed itself into both an eatery, sanctuary, and now makeshift medical treatment centre as a very injured Junior Researcher Byantara was wheeled in, dripping from Soviet bullets and blood. This did not do much justice to Doctor Vorenus's appetite, as he dropped his forkful of meatballs and linguini to gaze at what was - snigger - a man more holey than even himself. Strelnikov had not been kind on the trigger, and had been much less kinder to that "mother-fuck Chechen collaborator" Byantara. Poor guy looked as if he were covered in the bolognaise sauce that drenched Vorenus's plate. Eugh.
Elsewhere in Block 2A, forty-eight sex toys relentlessly continued to buzz, rattling the beams and shaking paint off the ceilings. A jostle, a twitch, and one clear plastic vibrator popped loose of its bolts, rattled across the floor and came to rest in a corner with a sharp click. There was a hissing noise as the micronised nuclear reactor powered up, resonating the device at a shrill hypersonic whine. Indeed, Byantara had prepared for the worst by including an ace up his blood-stained, bullet-hole-ridden sleeve.
It was when Vorenus had nearly finished his pasta that the ceiling of Mess Hall began to shake, dropping white frosty flakes into his plate. Nearby, Byantara was halfway through having bullets extracted from his groin by a doctor. Despite the pain, he managed to glance a look at Doctor Vorenus, current holder of SCP-050, as weighty chunks of ceiling plaster buried the pastor of pasta.
自分の包帯が巻かれた胸の上に彫像が現れて、ビヤンタラは顔をしかめた。彼の苦痛をあざ笑っているかのように見えた。そのとき、『鋼入りのダン』が第2食堂ホールの天井の裂け目から落ちてきた。都合のいいことにそのスイッチは、Vorenus's buried, gasping formにぶつかって「オフ」に切り替わった。
Byantara winced as the statue appeared on his bandaged chest, seemingly mocking his agony. Meanwhile, "Steely Dan" dropped from the gaping hole in Mess Hall 2's ceiling, its switch conveniently flicking to "Off" upon the impact against Vorenus's buried, gasping form.
Agent Wolf was having a rotten day.
Every year the prank war started and every year he had to clean up the mess that resulted from it.
He had to track down the SCPs used.
He had to find the vengeful personnel.
He had to find out how Clef had filled a room full of shaving cream without anyone noticing.
エージェント・ウルフにとって憂鬱な一日だった — それも、食堂ホールにたまたま立ち寄って、ビヤンタラ下級研究員の胸の上に小さな像が現れるのをちょうど目撃するまでのことだった。
It was a dismal day for the agent, until he had happened into the mess hall just in time to see a little statue appear on the chest of one Junior Researcher Byantara.
Wolf couldn't help but stare, stricken with an idea.
He could actually play a prank to get 050, and he knew just what to do.
The agent couldn't help but smile as the plan formed in his head.
Little more than an hour passed after this thought, and now Byantara was walking rather quickly towards the safety of his office.
"Okay, showtime."
Byantara didn't hear the whisper, but he did become aware that something was now blocking his way. Something so horrific he couldn't even scream.
682 just stood there, blocking escape from the deserted hallway. The silence between researcher and monster stretched forever, until Byantara made a move to leave. As soon as he did, he was quickly swallowed whole. The eaten man tumbled down the nightmare's stomach, splashing into a disgusting ooze.
「おや、お前、本当に食わなきゃならなかったのか? ビビらせるだけだと思っていたが。」
"Aw man, did you really have to eat him? I thought we were just gonna scare him."
Byantara found himself dumbfounded, he could hear Wolf's voice from the disgusting bowels.
"Hey Byantara, I see ya found my new partner, sorry about the whole gonna-die-soon thing."
"Come on, tell him to spit me out! Please!"
"Well," a few seconds' pause, "I guess I could… But ya really should use 'them'".
And on cue 682 split into a large number of butterflies, which revealed the researcher to be sitting in a pool of some store-bought slime. "Thanks pally!" Wolf smiled, showing an image on his laptop to the newly slimy man.
An image of a small monkey statue sitting next to the nameplate of Agent Wolf.
With no security clearence, being a guard for the Foundation could be a very boring job. Typically, Fortis was stuck manning the security feeds. The most monotonous of assignments. On Senior Staff Shenanigans day, however, it had certain advantages. He had everything on hand, just needed the right mark in the right place. When he saw Agent Wolf, J.R. Byantara, and SCP-408 in Corridor 2-B he knew he had just enough time to pull it off. He took a second to locate the office SCP-050 had appeared in before springing to action..
Fortis quickly changed into the red military uniform he had nearby, slathered his face with stage makeup, and donned the appropriate gloves and hat. He grabbed the can of paint stashed behind the door and headed out of the room. Finally, he made his way down the hall to pick up a container of Play-Doh, and rushed to SCP-786.
「そうだが……あんたは誰だ? なぜ赤いんだ?」
Ten minutes later, Fortis entered the agent's office.
“Agent Wolf, am I right?”
“Yes…….who are you? And why are you red?”
「こいつは軍人だ! やっちまえ!」
Without warning, the junior guard emptied a full can of blue paint on the agent.
“I found him boys! Get him!”
Agent Wolf had a second to register surprise as a squad of solid red army personell filled the room and riddled his torso with clay bullets.
Fortis couldn't help but smile to himself as he reentered Site 19's Surviellance Room. He changed back into his uniform and stached the red one. He had already washed off the paint, all that was left was to make sure no one else entered the area. He idly examined the monkey statue that was waiting for him on the console, slightly bemused at the thought of a junior guard entering the ranks of Senior Staff.
言語学・超自然科学研究員のヴェルディは見たところコンテストには参加していないようだった — 荷車を使って施設中にトマトを運び、ランダムに設置している風には見えたが。荷車を空っぽにすると、SCP-005を保管庫から取り出し、魔法を使うことができる場所に移動した。
Linguistics/Supernatural Researcher Veldi had seemingly not participated in the contest, although he had been seen carting tomatoes all over the facility and setting them down at random. After emptying the cart, he retrieved SCP-005 from storage, and accessed an area from which he could work his magic.
「682が胸を焦がすどうなる? ……一切なにも起こらない、あのトカゲの胸は焦げない!」16
With an enormous grin plastered on his face, Veldi spoke into the intercom.
“What happens when 682 gets heartburn? ….. Absolutely nothing, the Lizard doesn’t get heartburn!”
In that moment, dozens and dozens of SCP-504 splattered into speakers, personnel and everything in general.
“I freaking love these tomatoes.” Veldi checked the video feed to his office. Yup, there was the monkey, on his desk. Of course, there was the issue that he now had a PC instead of a MacBook…
契約とは何か? 猿を最後に持っている人物から手に入れる。そしてそれを上級職員用休憩室の真ん中に移動させる。
As soon as the prank wars started, SCP-738 was Junior Researcher Gille's first destination. It followed contracts steadily, nevermind the side consequences. Nothing he was going to do would harm him THAT much.
The contract? Get the monkey of the last person to have it, and transport it to the middle of the Senior Break room.
Second destination: The Senior Break room. From there, it would be rigged with 20 paintball guns, all set to fire when the sensor picks up movement in a circle around the Monkey. Then, when someone inevitably gets pelted, he walks in and grabs the Monkey.
Third destination: His secret hiding spot, outfitted with a view of all the places he will need to be at.
Fourth destination: SCP-682's storage area. Considering it's been let free, but it's still the safest place on the site, that should be a logical place to store it. Hidden in the third drawer of his desk, however, are 3 pistols, fully loaded no less, with 5 clips, and rations to last 2 days. It pays to be prepared for this day.
Before leaving, Gille remembered to put a bucket of spiders on the door too his office. Someone will inevitably think to check there once he gets the monkey, so this should discourage them.
「そうだろうな。ほら、もうすぐ俺たちのささやかな記念日だろう? それで思いついたんだ、俺の同僚にお前の手伝いを頼めるかもしれないって。そのあたり、ほら、分かるだろ? いくらか大目に見てやってくれるとありがたいんだけど……。」
"Thanks for seeing me on such short notice."
"Not at all. Between you and me, dealing with amateurs day in and day out is so tedious."
"I'm sure. Now you know that one of our little annual celebrations is coming up soon, and it occured to me that one or more of my colleagues may come to you for help. I would appreciate it if you might extend me certain professional courtesies around that."
「君、僕に守秘義務を破れって言うの? それは気がとがめるよ。」
「まさか! そんなこと考えてないさ。でもお前は多分、言うなれば、規定の条文について"可能な限り最も広い解釈"ができるかもしれないってことだよ。」
"Sir, are you suggesting that I breach confidentiality? I do have some scruples."
"Of course not! Wouldn't think of it. But perhaps you could take, let's say, the broadest possible interpretation of the agreed-upon terms."
"You want the monkey for yourself?"
「あれを持ってきてくれたら、見返りになにがほしい? あの猿が永遠に俺のものになる代わりに?」
「面白い。そんなこと思いつかなかったよ。あと、言わせてくれ。俺は財団で働けてとても幸せだし、当分の間転職は考えない。その上お前がそれを申し出てくれて本当に嬉しい。Let me make a proposal of my own. In exchange for the aforesaid professional courtesies leading to temporary possession…」
"Since you bring it up, what compensation would you want, in exchange for my permanent posession of said monkey?"
The humanoid figure behind the desk beckons and the smaller man before the desk leans forward. He whispers something in his ear.
"Interesting. Not at all what I'd expected. And I must say that, while I'm flattered that you offer, I'm very happy to work for the Foundation, and don't contemplate a change anytime soon. Let me make a proposal of my own. In exchange for the aforesaid professional courtesies leading to temporary possession…"
It takes some time, but eventually the human and the entity wearing the face of a legendary law professor reach an agreement. A secretary is summoned from the accounting department, sworn to secrecy, duly threatened with death, and made to witness an agreement that bursts into flames the moment the formalities are complete.
Sheldon Katz and the entity shake hands.
Across the site, in a specially rigged broom closet, Junior Researcher Gille watches the Senior Break room on screen, then 682's pen, then his office, then back to the break room. Nothing. Wait. Something.
Something rushes into the room, something about knee-high and very fast, something with a single bright blue eye in the middle of its bulbous yellow body. It's dribbling a smaller object in front of it like a soccer ball. As it pauses on the periphery of the circle of paintball guns, the "ball" comes to rest. It's a statuette of a monkey.
Researcher Veldi runs into the room, panting and red-faced. The Eye-Pod skitters away from him. Veldi lunges, and a chase ensues around the edges of the room, with the Eye-Pod and the monkey always staying just out of Veldi's reach.
After four circuits of the room, the Eye-Pod makes a sudden break to the right. Veldi leaps, trying to tackle it, and trips over his own feet. On the floor, he hears a series of clicks followed immediately by splatting sounds, and wonders for a moment if he somehow missed some tomatoes. He picks himself up, and observes that the walls of the break room have a new paint job in the style of Jackson Pollock.
The Eye-Pod scurries out of the break room and heads down a corridor, rolling the monkey down the hall still. Gille jumps up from his seat and sprints down the hall. He figures if he goes down corridor 37, then makes a sharp right just before the firehose he can head them off—yes! Here they are, and he's just a pace behind Veldi. He drops his head and starts running as fast as he can.
"You think that's funny? I hate running," says Veldi between gasps.
The researchers sprint after the Eye-Pod, neither gaining any real advantage or getting any closer. They follow it now left, now right, now a long straightaway and into a dead end, a small chamber at the end of a long corridor. Gille jumps on the monkey and Veldi jumps on Gille. They grapple on the floor, neither noticing the Eye-Pod backing out of the room until they hear the door start to close. Gille looks up just in time to notice a third figure in the room: humanoid, but made of concrete and covered in spray paint.
In the awkward silence that ensues, the disappearance of the monkey barely registers on them.
Finally Veldi says: "I've got to blink on three. One…two…"
Katz notes the monkey statue that now sits atop his empty inbox. He's already senior staff, but his secretary is out sick and nobody from the temp pool can seem to ever type up his briefs just the way he likes them. He looks through the stack of neatly-formatted documents before him and nods in satisfaction. Yes, the devil will have his due, but he does love a nice-looking brief. Worth it.
He picks up the monkey and goes into the hallway outside his office, waiting for someone going in the right direction who looks sufficiently junior and sufficiently gullible. Soon enough, a cub researcher who he doesn't recognize passes by, and Sheldon intercepts him.
"Excuse me, young man, could I ask a favor? Someone left this in my office and they need it for a team-building exercise in the main cafeteria. Just take it up there and someone will show you what to do next."
He feels slightly bad, watching the eager youth hurry down the hall with the monkey, but better him than Sheldon, and in any case this will teach him a number of valuable lessons.
Doctor Briar sighed, looking over the contents of his small office. It had been a long, hard road to get here. So many times, he'd thought he would die. So many times, he had lost what he thought of as "everything", only to build himself up so he would have something else to lose when the time came again. It had certainly not been easy, but he'd managed, somehow…
He always wished it could have been easier, though. If only there had been some way he could have made his journey to a respected member of senior staff without having to endure so much suffering. Of course, he had only been a low-level recruit in the Foundation when they stopped holding the Staff Prank Wars. He had heard of them, of course, and how the cleverest member of the Foundation's personnel stood to be raised to Senior Staff for winning. It was truly a shame that he had been so new when they held the last of them, an all but nameless lab assistant, not trusted with anything more important than proofreading documents…but then, that was his advantage, wasn't it?
Briar smiled, looking at the assembled items and documents sitting on his desk. At the top of the pile was a death certificate. Just another Foundation employee that had finally met his end, but to the elderly man at the desk, an opportunity. After all, permanent ownership didn't extend past death. Most importantly, however, was the small locked box on top of the pile. There were so many anomalous objects with temporal effects in Foundation custody that they hardly bothered to catalogue them all. No one would notice he had "borrowed" SCP-█████ among a batch of other research materials, and the letter he planned to mail would not be going anywhere that it would be looked for. Chuckling to himself, Doctor Briar took out a fountain pen, and began to write.
Years earlier, a much younger version of the same man breathed heavily, hiding in a cubical and shaking. In his hand he held a much-folded piece of heavy parchment, written upon in flowing calligraphy. Nervous, he muttered the words aloud as he re-read the page, "Volunteer to assist in accounting. Short-staffed due to people calling in sick to avoid the contest. Agree to witness a contract. False name. Render null and void…"
He shook his head in disbelief, dizzy with the implications. It couldn't be that easy, could it? Of course, he had barely dared believe what he held in his hands until the prank war began to unfold, exactly as the note claimed it would. Still, it seemed too good to be true. A deal with the Devil shouldn't be so simple to thwart, even if it wasn't really the Devil. Of course, the plan wasn't over yet. Just botching Katz's deal wouldn't much of a prank by itself, after all. Steeling himself, the younger Briar stepped out of the cubical, and announced that he was going on his lunch break. As he entered into the corridor, he put on a ring, and pulled out the small electronic device from his pocket.
At the doors of the cafeteria, a young researcher was stopped by a polite cough. He turned, his face guileless and smiling. A dark-haired man snatched the bundle out of his hands before he had a moment to react.
"Oh, thank goodness I caught you in time! I am SO sorry! It seems that my colleague gave you the wrong article by mistake. This is the one they need in there."
A small device was pressed into the researcher's hands. He babbled for a few moments about how glad he was to help, and how sorry he was that the other man had to chase him all the way here. Briar, in turn, made his excuses, politely stating that it was no trouble, but he really had to get back to work. He gave the hapless researcher some basic instructions on how to set up the device, and told him to just "get it started for them". As he hurried to return SCP-399 to containment, he could hear his modified MP3 player begin to loop Rick Astley's most famous composition with enough bass to shake the light fixtures. The altered lyrics, bragging of the genius of one Sheldon Katz, could just barely be made out from where he stood. Since he didn't have an office, Briar made a note to check his locker later on.
A D-Class that had been fortunate enough to avoid all of the chaos of the day was desperately looking for a place to hide. He found an isolated cell, and quickly opened the door, failing to notice the number "173" emblazoned above the door.
The moment the door was fully open, he stepped through the frame. He saw two men on the floor, and then he looked up.
He recognized the sculpture a few seconds too late.
Veldi and Gille charged him, threw him in the cell, and quickly closed the door. The sound of bones breaking followed shortly after.
Veldi breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, that was fun. Next time, let's check doors before going in them. Don't want Blinky to be let out."
Gille was shivering from the experience. Veldi leaned down. "Oh, by the way… I think ahead." He pointed out that the wall opposite 173's containment had been painted red. Gille was still in a stupor, so Veldi walked away and pressed a button on his phone. A tinny, electronic voice came from above the door: "Leggo my Eggo-carrying Lego Winnebago full of–" The sound was cut short by a wall of tomato juice.
Veldi checked the video feed on his phone again. Yep, the monkey was on his desk. He figured that he should set some more traps so that it wouldn't stay away for long. He hurried to his supplies.
Created by: TheDuckman に合致するユーザーネームは存在しません。, 2011, and others collaborated
Licensed under: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
นั่นอาหารไทย | ||||
นั่น | อาหาร | ไทย | ||
それ | 料理 | タイ | ||
それ | タイ(の)料理 | |||
それはタイ料理です。 | ||||
อาหารไทยอร่อย | ||||
อาหาร | ไทย | อร่อย | ||
料理 | タイ | おいしい | ||
タイ(の)料理 | おいしい | |||
タイ料理はおいしいです。 | ||||
เขากินอาหารไทย | ||||
เขา | กิน | อาหาร | ไทย | |
彼/彼女 | 食べる | 料理 | タイ | |
彼/彼女 | 食べる | タイ料理 | ||
彼/彼女はタイ料理を食べます。 | ||||
เขาอยากกินอาหารไทย | ||||
เขา | อยาก | กิน | อาหาร | ไทย |
彼/彼女 | したい | 食べる | 料理 | タイ |
彼/彼女 | 食べたい | タイ料理 | ||
彼/彼女はタイ料理を食べたいです。 | ||||
เขาไปกินอาหารไทย | ||||
เขา | ไป | กิน | อาหาร | ไทย |
彼/彼女 | 行く | 食べる | 料理 | タイ |
彼/彼女 | 行って食べる | タイ料理 | ||
彼/彼女はタイ料理を食べに行きます。 |
符号化のプロセスは未だに充分には理解されていないものの、主要な前進はそのメカニズムの性質を明らかにしている。符号化はあらゆる新しい経験と共に開始し、そのときに脳が相互作用し、またその相互作用の結果から推測する。これらの学習経験は記憶形成につながる分子の連鎖的な変化(a cascade of molecular events)を引き起こすことが知られている。これらの変化はneural synapsesやたんぱく質のmodification、新たなシナプスの形成、遺伝子発現や新たなタンパク質合成の活性化を含む。しかし、符号化は異なったレベルで生じることもある。最初のステップは短期記憶形成で、それに続いて長期記憶への転換、さらに長期記憶の強化が行われる。
Molecular perspective[edit]
The process of encoding is not yet well understood, however key advances have shed light on the nature of these mechanisms. Encoding begins with any novel situation, as the brain will interact and draw conclusions from the results of this interaction. These learning experiences have been known to trigger a cascade of molecular events leading to the formation of memories.[16] These changes include the modification of neural synapses, modification of proteins, creation of new synapses, activation of gene expression and new protein synthesis. However, encoding can occur on different levels. The first step is short-term memory formation, followed by the conversion to a long-term memory, and then a long-term memory consolidation process.[17]
Synaptic plasticity[edit]
Synaptic plasticity is the ability of the brain to strengthen, weaken, destroy and create neural synapses and is the basis for learning. These molecular distinctions will identify and indicate the strength of each neural connection. The effect of a learning experience depends on the content of such an experience. Reactions that are favoured will be reinforced and those that are deemed unfavourable will be weakened. This shows that the synaptic modifications that occur can operate either way, in order to be able to make changes over time depending on the current situation of the organism. In the short term, synaptic changes may include the strengthening or weakening of a connection by modifying the preexisting proteins leading to a modification in synapse connection strength. In the long term, entirely new connections may form or the number of synapses at a connection may be increased, or reduced.[17]
The encoding process[edit]
A significant short-term biochemical change is the covalent modification of pre-existing proteins in order to modify synaptic connections that are already active. This allows data to be conveyed in the short term, without consolidating anything for permanent storage. From here a memory or an association may be chosen to become a long-term memory, or forgotten as the synaptic connections eventually weaken. The switch from short to long-term is the same concerning both implicit memory and explicit memory. This process is regulated by a number of inhibitory constraints, primarily the balance between protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation.[17] Finally, long term changes occur that allow consolidation of the target memory. These changes include new protein synthesis, the formation of new synaptic connections and finally the activation of gene expression in accordance with the new neural configuration.[18] The encoding process has been found to be partially mediated by serotonergic interneurons, specifically in regard to sensitization as blocking these interneurons prevented sensitization entirely. However, the ultimate consequences of these discoveries have yet to be identified. Furthermore, the learning process has been known to recruit a variety of modulatory transmitters in order to create and consolidate memories. These transmitters cause the nucleus to initiate processes required for neuronal growth and long term memory, mark specific synapses for the capture of long-term processes, regulate local protein synthesis and even appear to mediate attentional processes required for the formation and recall of memories.
アイテム番号: SCP-xxxx-JP
オブジェクトクラス: Safe
特別収容プロトコル: SCP-xxxx-JPは、直射日光および外気との接触を可能な限り避けるために不透明な密閉容器に封入し、室温摂氏30度以下、湿度40~60 %程度の、標準的な紙の長期保存に適した環境下で保存します。SCP-xxxx-JPに関するあらゆる実験は、アメリカ合衆国政府の全面的協力のもとで実施されます。実験後は現地職員によりアメリカ合衆国大統領に対してAクラス記憶処理を施します。担当職員の許可なくSCP-xxxx-JPを大腿部に挟んでタップ・ダンスを踊らないでください。
説明: SCP-xxxx-JPは、ヒトが大腿部に挟んでタップ・ダンスを踊った際に当代のアメリカ合衆国大統領の肛門から成熟したオオアナコンダ(Eunectes murinus)の生体が排泄される、一冊の『枕草子』の写本です。排出されるアナコンダに異常な点は一切認められません。当該タップ・ダンスのスタイルやステップの種類、特に単位時間あたりのステップ数に応じて、排泄されるオオアナコンダの体長および単位時間あたりの排泄長さが変化します。これらの要素には、経験的に次式に示すような関係があることが認められています。
アイテム番号: SCP-xxx-JP
オブジェクトクラス: Safe
特別収容プロトコル: SCP-xxx-JPは標準的低脅威度オブジェクト保管庫に格納します。収容に特別な手順は必要ありません。
説明: SCP-xxx-JPは特異な性質を有するパイレックスガラス製100 mLナス型フラスコです。既知の製造者のロゴが印刷されていることを含め、非特異性のナス型フラスコと外見上の差異はありません。現在財団は4例のSCP-xxx-JPを収容しており、個別にSCP-xxx-JP-1からSCP-xxx-JP-4までのアイテム番号が割り当てられています。
- 1種類または複数種類の有機化合物、および試薬ならびに溶媒を投入し、温度・雰囲気・気圧等の条件をこれを出発原料とする合成反応を進行させるように設定する。
- 撹拌・マイクロ波の照射等、合成反応を進行させるために適した操作を施す。
Exp. 1-14
結果: 主に炭水化物、カテキン誘導体、無機塩類等を溶質とする茶褐色透明溶液を得た。溶媒は塩化メチレンから水に変化していた。得られた溶液は標準的なほうじ茶として飲用が可能であることがDクラス職員により報告された。Exp. 1-26
結果: 主に炭水化物、アミノ酸、クロロゲン酸誘導体、カフェイン等を溶質とする黒色透明溶液を得た。溶媒はアセトニトリルから水に変化していた。得られた溶液は標準的なコーヒーとして飲用が可能であることがDクラス職員により報告された。被験者は砂糖とミルクを要求した。要求は却下された。
付記: これら以外に、チキンブイヨン(Exp. 1-42)、ヨーグルト(Exp. 1-49)、水飴(Exp. 1-83)などの生成が確認されました。いずれも美味であることが報告されています。
Exp. 2-32
結果: 反応開始後およそ2時間で、SCP-xxx-JP-2内にちょうど収まる大きさのミーアキャット(Suricata suricatta)が生成された。直前まで異常な兆候は観察されず、生成は瞬時に行われた。得られた個体は異常な柔軟性を示しながらSCP-xxx-JP-2から開口部を通じて排出され、排出された部分から順次膨張し、最終的に標準的なミーアキャットと同等のサイズになった。出現した個体に異常な点は確認されていない。Exp. 2-43
結果: 反応開始後およそ5時間でアオアシカツオドリ(Sula nebouxi excisa)が生成された。以下同様。実験器具の一部に損害。Exp. 2-66
結果: 反応開始後およそ48時間でアフリカゾウ(Loxodonta africana)が生成された。以下同様。実験台が全壊。
付記: 生成される生物種の体長と必要な反応時間の間には正の相関関係が見出されています。
Exp. 3-10
結果: 反応を開始した時点から、操作を行った毛見博士の鼻腔がおよそ0.5Hzの周期でおよそ300ルーメンの赤色光を発するようになった。この光は毛見博士の鼻孔から漏れ出し、反応開始後12時間が経過するまで継続した。Exp. 3-34
結果: 反応を開始した時点から、操作を行った毛見博士の鼻腔がおよそ3Hzの周期でおよそ520ルーメンの緑色光を発するようになった。この光は毛見博士の鼻孔から漏れ出し、反応開始後4時間が経過するまで継続した。Exp. 3-162
結果: 反応を開始した時点から、操作を行った毛見博士の鼻腔がおよそ1Hzの周期で、およそ410ルーメンの青色光を2回、およそ830ルーメンの黄色光を1回のサイクルで発するようになった。この光は毛見博士の鼻孔から漏れ出し、反応開始後24時間が経過するまで継続した。
付記: 継続的な実験にもかかわらず、現在に至るまで毛見博士の鼻腔が白色光を発したことはありません。
Exp. 4-22
結果: 反応を開始した時点からSCP-xxx-JP-4はおよそ400Hz前後の周波数で微振動をするようになり、これによって発生した音波はオーストラリア西海岸訛りの英語で話す男性の肉声を完全に再現した。音声は、全ての固有名詞が有機化合物のIUPAC名または慣用名に置き換えられていた。
付記: 61地域ブロック所属のエージェントによる全面的な協力により、当該音声はオーストラリア連邦西オーストラリア州パース市に居住する████ S███████氏の発言をリアルタイムで再現していることが判明しました。この他にトルコ共和国エスキシェヒル県エスキシェヒル(Exp. 4-37)、モーリタニア共和国トジョニエ県ヌアクショット(Exp. 4-62)などの一般人の音声が再現されることが確認されました。
- コーヒー、日本茶、チキンブイヨン、ヨーグルトなど飲用に適した液体ができる。
- ミーアキャット(Suricata suricatta)、アオアシカツオドリ(Sula nebouxi excisa)、アフリカゾウ(Loxodonta africana)などが生成され、ナスフラの口からにゅるんって出てくる。
- 反応を仕込んだ人の鼻の穴がおよそ3~10Hzの周期で赤や青、緑などの単色光を発する。
- オーストラリアのパースに住むA██████ S███████氏などの、どこぞの誰かが発した声がリアルタイムで聞こえる。ただし、あらゆる人名がその言語において同じ文字数の、有機化合物の名称に置き換わる。
- 反応を仕込んだ人の三半規管、全ての歯、睾丸あるいは卵巣などがフラスコ内に転移する。
- 反応を仕込んだ人がノースカロライナめがけて射出される。
title | author | last update |
Kata_Men のサンドボックス | kata_men | 09 Jul 2024 17:47 |
Amplifier | Amplifier | 12 Jun 2024 11:39 |
七町砂箱 | nanamati | 25 May 2024 11:25 |
rararain | rararain | 14 May 2024 14:52 |
キコの砂箱 | kikospaghetti | 11 May 2024 16:35 |
SCP-3991-JP | Serisawanatu | 28 Apr 2024 09:52 |
nooooon | nooooon | 18 Apr 2024 11:44 |
fullfool578 | fullfool578 | 04 Apr 2024 15:56 |
Ki Ki Ki | ki!ki!ki! | 18 Mar 2024 13:12 |
MONO | VideoGameMonkeyMONO | 13 Mar 2024 15:35 |
SCP-YR/Parody | keicheureka | 10 Mar 2024 21:56 |
ハニー | Kusahune | 08 Mar 2024 19:59 |
SCP-3954-JP | eiopiwa | 02 Feb 2024 07:43 |
我らの美しき指月の城 | ashiddo | 21 Jan 2024 05:51 |
SCP-下書き-JP | ma_ink_ra1731MR | 20 Jan 2024 04:44 |
碁盤目サンドニウムボックス | Iotsu3124 | 13 Jan 2024 11:18 |
5g Gagagigo | 5G-gagagigo | 06 Jan 2024 04:01 |
Tokotoko7 | tokotoko7 | 23 Dec 2023 05:26 |
SCP-xxxx-JP | mutsuraHR31 | 17 Dec 2023 08:36 |
224p | 224P | 17 Dec 2023 03:33 |
Nanoskalig | Nanoskalig | 16 Dec 2023 03:28 |
Mistertako SB2 | Mistertako | 07 Dec 2023 14:45 |
Isozinの砂箱 | isozin | 03 Dec 2023 01:35 |
lockerのロッカーの奥 | locker | 27 Nov 2023 02:21 |
Tsunasinh | tsunasinh | 08 Nov 2023 15:14 |
犬養の情報保管庫 | 1NuK4i | 08 Nov 2023 10:00 |
えらい上司 | roica_necuro | 01 Nov 2023 16:16 |
Yakisakeonigiri | yakisakeonigiri | 10 Oct 2023 11:46 |
物置か何か | TF2045 | 04 Oct 2023 06:15 |
したがき | siro_gigannto | 02 Oct 2023 21:27 |
[ ] | nekoniki | 29 Sep 2023 05:14 |
Kanemoto334 | kanemoto334 | 27 Sep 2023 03:50 |
SCP-2628-JP 凍れる港 | iced-harbor | 22 Sep 2023 12:00 |
SCP-2149-JP | Miyairi | 16 Sep 2023 21:28 |
SCP-XXXX-JP | hameggs | 15 Sep 2023 17:08 |
森の制裁 | akaneko0618 | 15 Sep 2023 08:47 |
みかんばこのおうち | mikanbako23 | 13 Sep 2023 14:04 |
外貨両替機 | harukazereon | 13 Sep 2023 07:13 |
scp-2508-jp | 1german0527 | 09 Sep 2023 09:35 |
SCP-XXXX-JP“責務であるからして” | rephya_cl4 | 31 Aug 2023 05:26 |
tubotch | tubotch | 27 Aug 2023 13:00 |
お悩み相談配信! | SENTLS | 06 Aug 2023 22:58 |
k-calの旧サンドボックス | k-cal | 05 Aug 2023 20:27 |
泥砂糖の場所 | Doro_Suger | 01 Aug 2023 09:01 |
電話占い | kurage9903 | 14 Jul 2023 17:34 |
Anomalousアイテム一覧-JP | AF_XLI | 10 Jul 2023 05:43 |
生麦生米生姜 | Tuki0617 | 06 Jul 2023 02:16 |
leaflet | leaflet | 02 Jul 2023 14:47 |
Six-TF | Mutsukata | 02 Jul 2023 09:48 |
SOYSOY_Kusagawa - タグ・コントリビューター向け簡易マニュアル | (account deleted) | 18 Jun 2023 11:18 |
title | author | last update |
有機合成反応を試みると、ミーアキャットが生成されたり、反応を仕込んだ人の睾丸または卵巣がフラスコ内に転移したり、オーストラリアのパースに住むA██████ S███████氏の声がリアルタイムで聞こえたり、とにかく意味の分からないことが起こるナスフラスコ。
外見上は一般に流通しているパイレックスガラス製100 mLナスフラスコと何の違いもない。
調査により1/100から100/100までの内、79個を確保している 未収容の実体があると見て継続的な調査が進行中
選択性の逆転、未知の形式の反応、説明不能な共有結合の切断・生成、価数の増減、核融合 元素の変容 原子の出現および消失、[編集済]を含む未知の反応が、一つまたは複数起こる
→人類の脅威とは言えない異常存在を財団の理念に反して破壊するか? Dクラスの供給源を変えるか? 財団が法となるか?
現実性動的平衡化装置 / Reality Dynamically Equilibrator (RDE)
非ラプラス型因果逆行式時間流逆転理論 / Non-Laplacian Cause-and-Effect Inverting Time Reversal Theory (NLaCEITiR Theory)[En-la-SEE-ter]
[[span style="font-style:italic"]]斜字体[[/span]]
[[span style="font-weight:bold"]]太字[[/span]]
[[span style="font-size:150%;text-decoration:underline"]]文字サイズと下線[[/span]]
[[span class="ruby"]]池光子[[span class="rt"]]いけてるこ[[/span]][[/span]]
[[span class="ruby"]]池[[span class="rt"]]いけ[[/span]][[/span]][[span class="ruby"]]光[[span class="rt"]]てる[[/span]][[/span]][[span class="ruby"]]子[[span class="rt"]]こ[[/span]][[/span]]
[[collapsible show=" " hide="+ 開く" folded="no" hideLocation="bottom"]]
Times New Roman
[[span style="font-family:Times New Roman"]]Times New Roman[[/span]]祥南行書体
[[span style="font-family:祥南行書体; font-size:120%; font-weight: bold"]]祥南行書体[[/span]] または
[[span style="font-family:祥南行書体"]][[size 120%]]**祥南行書体**[[/size]][[/span]]
列1 列2 列3 内容 内容 内容 内容 内容 内容 ||~ 列1 ||~ 列2 ||~ 列3 ||
||内容 ||内容 ||内容 ||
||内容 ||内容 ||内容 ||
列1 列2 列3 内容 内容 span構文を用いることで
さらに「 _」を用いることで
行改めの位置を指定できます。内容 内容 内容 ||~ [[span style="padding: 10px"]]列1[[/span]] ||~ [[span style="padding: 30px"]]列2[[/span]] ||~ [[span style="padding: 100px"]]列3[[/span]] ||
||内容 ||内容 ||span構文を用いることで _
cell幅を変えることができます。 _
さらに「 _」を用いることで _
行改めの位置を指定できます。 ||
||内容 ||内容 ||内容 ||
また、 「 _」を用いればspanで指定した幅に関係なく
行改め位置を指定できます。||~ [[span style="padding: 30px"]]また、[[/span]] ||
||「 _」を用いればspanで指定した幅に関係なく _
行改め位置を指定できます。 ||
Advanced (custom) tables構文です。「 _」による行改めも可能で、cellの結合もできるので万能といえるかもしれません。メチャ面倒ですが。
header cell 0.0 header cell 0.1 header cell 0.2 cell 1.0 cell 1.2 cell 2.0 cell 2.1 cell 2.2 cell 3.1 cell 3.2 [[table style="border-collapse:collapse"]]
[[hcell style="border: 1px solid silver; background-color: yellow; width: 15%"]]
header cell 0.0
[[hcell style="border: 1px solid silver; width: 35%"]]
header cell 0.1
[[hcell style="border: 1px solid silver; width: 50%" ]]
header cell 0.2
[[cell style="border: 1px solid silver" colspan="2"]]
cell 1.0
[[cell style="border: 1px solid silver; background-color: yellow;"]]
cell 1.2
[[cell style="border: 1px solid silver" rowspan="2"]]
cell 2.0
[[cell style="border: 1px solid silver"]]
cell 2.1
[[cell style="border: 1px solid silver"]]
cell 2.2
[[cell style="border: 1px solid silver"]]
cell 3.1
[[cell style="border: 1px solid silver"]]
cell 3.2
1 | 2 | ||||||
4 | 5 | 6 | |||||
8 | 9 | A | |||||
C | D | ||||||
F | E | ||||||
B | |||||||
7 | |||||||
3 |
[[table style="border-collapse: collapse"]]
[[row]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" colspan="7"]]1[[/cell]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" rowspan="7"]]2[[/cell]][[/row]]
[[row]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" rowspan="7"]]4[[/cell]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" colspan="5"]]5[[/cell]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" rowspan="5"]]6[[/cell]][[/row]]
[[row]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" rowspan="5"]]8[[/cell]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" colspan="3"]]9[[/cell]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" rowspan="3"]]A[[/cell]][[/row]]
[[row]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" rowspan="3"]]C[[/cell]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" colspan="2"]]D[[/cell]][[/row]]
[[row]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;"]]F[[/cell]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;"]]E[[/cell]][[/row]]
[[row]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" colspan="3"]]B[[/cell]][[/row]]
[[row]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" colspan="5"]]7[[/cell]][[/row]]
[[row]][[cell style="width: 12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" colspan="7"]]3[[/cell]][[/row]]
[[*user krt_w]]
[[module ListUsers users="."]]
[[module ListUsers users="."]]
背景色を変えれば黒塗り([[span style="background-color: #333333;"]]%%title%%[[/span]])も可能です。
[[module ListUsers users="."]]
出典: (apple3さんのタグチャレンジ)- 鳥(avian) - 鳥のような性質を持つSCPです。必要ならば動物タグと共に使ってください。
- 動物(animal) - 動物的な性質を見せるSCPです。
- 人間型(humanoid) - 人間型のSCPに付与されるタグです。
- 木製(wooden) - 木材もしくは木のような素材で構成されたSCPです。生きており、加工されていない木が使われている場合はこのタグは付けられません。
- 労せずして金がほしい
- ラーメン食いたい
- ねむい
ページリビジョン: 1048, 最終更新日時: 27 Aug 2017, 13:04 (6 seconds 前) | forumカテゴリ | このページをお気に入りに登録する [?]