
出店: SCP-3914 - Necrocapitalism
著者: YoungMemeYoungMeme
翻訳: Extra3002Extra3002
査読: ccleccle, zigzagzog_sleeperzigzagzog_sleeper

タイトル 死本主義 (原題: Necrocapitalism)

アイテム番号: SCP-3914

オブジェクトクラス: Keter

特別収容プロトコル: 本報告書執筆時点で、全SCP-3914メンバーは収容されておらず、活動的です。
Special Containment Procedures: As of the time of writing, all members of SCP-3914 remain uncontained and active.

Given the considerable resources SCP-3914 has at its disposal, any operation to contain the group as a whole has been deemed infeasible.

そのため、機動部隊アルファ-4 (“ポニー・エクスプレス”)がAmazon.com,Inc内に潜入しており、SCP-3914に関与する個人の活動を監視しています。
Instead, MTF Alpha-4 ("Pony Express") operatives have been embedded within Amazon.com, Inc. and are to monitor the activities of any individual involved with SCP-3914.

In the event that an opportunity to capture a member of SCP-3914 should arise, MTF Psi-8 ("The Silencers") are to be deployed to detain the individual in question and transport them to Site-██ for containment and interrogation.

Any anomalous object or entity created by SCP-3914 are similarly to be contained within Site-██ for further study.

Given the likelihood that SCP-3914's necromantic capabilities are derived from anomalous artifacts, the retrieval and containment of these artifacts is to be considered top priority for all Foundation agents embedded within Amazon.

Should any attempt be made by SCP-3914 to begin retail and distribution of its anomalous products to the public, any dispatched objects are to be intercepted by MTF Alpha-4 agents and an operation mounted by MTF Psi-8 to locate and terminate all members of SCP-3914 in order to prevent a SK-class "Broken Masquerade" event.

説明: SCP-3914はAmazon.com,Inc.の取締役会に与えられた呼称です。
Description: SCP-3914 is the designation given to Amazon.com, Inc.'s Board of Directors.

Each individual member of SCP-3914 exhibits a unique anomalous ability, all of which exhibit properties consistent with necro-thaumatology2.

Successive members of SCP-3914 have each exhibited the same ability as the member whose position they took, suggesting abilities are not naturally possessed but rather obtained as part of the process of joining SCP-3914, likely through the usage of an as-of-yet unidentified anomalous artifact.

The members of SCP-3914 and their individual abilities are as follows:

名称 氏名 加入日 異常性
Designation Full Name Date Joined Anomalous Ability
SCP-3914-1 トム・A・オルバーグ 1996年6月 最近死亡した人物の蘇生、SCP-3914-Aに指定。蘇生した人物の感情は保持されますが、全てSCP-3914-1に対しては従順です。身体機能は完全に停止しています。
SCP-3914-1 Tom A. Alberg June 1996 Reanimation of recently-deceased persons, designated SCP-3914-A. Sentience is retained, but all reanimated persons are completely subservient to SCP-3914-1. All instances exhibit complete cessation of bodily functions.
SCP-3914-2 パトリシア・Q・ストーンサイファー 1997年2月 年齢に関わらず、人間を蘇生できる。蘇生の過程ですべての知覚が失われますが、SCP-3914-Bと指定された人々は基本的な運動能力を持ち続け、SCP-3914-2から与えられたすべての命令を能力の及ぶ限り実行します。
SCP-3914-2 Patricia Q. Stonesifer February 1997 Reanimation of human remains, regardless of age. All sentience is lost during the reanimation process, but reanimated persons, designated SCP-3914-B, remain capable of basic motor function and carry out all orders given by SCP-3914-2 to the best of their ability.
SCP-3914-3 トーマス・O・ライダー 2002年11月 最近死亡した人物をクラス4霊的実体として出現させる、SCP-3914-Cに指定。
SCP-3914-3 Thomas O. Ryder November 2002 Forced manifestation of Class 4 Incorporeal Entities in the image of recently-deceased persons, designated SCP-3914-C.
SCP-3914-4 ジョナサン・J・ルビンシュタイン 2010年12月 生命のない物体への霊的実体の拘束。
SCP-3914-4 Jonathan J. Rubinstein December 2010 Binding of Incorporeal Entities to inanimate objects.
SCP-3914-5 ジェミー・S・ゴレリック 2012年2月 精神を通した命令によって生物を生成できる。
SCP-3914-5 Jamie S. Gorelick February 2012 Shaping of biological material via mental command.
SCP-3914-6 ジュディス・A・マクグラス 2014年7月 現在不明。
SCP-3914-6 Judith A. McGrath July 2014 Currently unknown.
SCP-3914-7 ウェンデル・P・ウィーク 2016年2月 現在不明。
SCP-3914-7 Wendell P. Weeks February 2016 Currently unknown.
SCP-3914-8 ダニエル・P・フッテンロッハー 2016年9月 触れることで生命を完全に停止できる。
SCP-3914-8 Daniel P. Huttenlocher September 2016 Complete cessation of life via touch.
SCP-3914-0 ジェフ・P・ベゾス 該当なし SCP-3914-JP-0はSCP-3914-A実体であり、SCP-3914により名目上の長として使用されています。
SCP-3914-0 Jeffrey P. Bezos N/A None. SCP-3914-0 appears to be a SCP-3914-A instance, used by SCP-3914 as a public figurehead.

The members of SCP-3914 all seem to share the same goal of financial success for Amazon.com, Inc., and make full use of their abilities to achieve this end.

To date, 37 clandestine warehouses and 3 factories staffed entirely by SCP-3914-B instances have been discovered, and at least ██ more facilities are currently believed to exist.

Study of SCP-3914-B instances captured during Foundation raids has shown that instances have been created from both recently-deceased persons, primarily homeless individuals or missing persons, as well as remains exhumed from multiple mass graves;

Some instances show a level of decay consistent with ███ years of decomposition.

Furthermore, several employees of both Amazon.com, Inc and several rival electronic commerce companies, as well as multiple politicians, law enforcement officials and other public figures, have been determined through extensive investigation to in fact be SCP-3914-A instances.

It is currently believed that these instances may have contributed to the failure of several investigations into Amazon.com, Inc. regarding illegal business practices.

SCP-3914 was first discovered in 20██, following the discovery of a SCP-3914-C instance bound to an Amazon-brand virtual assistant device.

Originally given it's own designation, subsequent investigations determined the existence of SCP-3914 and several anomalies under the control of its members, including more instances of SCP-3914-C.

For it's part, the members of SCP-3914 appear to be aware of the Foundation's existence, actively instructing all SCP-3914-B instances to respond violently to Foundation personnel.

As of the time of writing, however, SCP-3914 has made no attempt to directly contact the Foundation, and as such is believed to be entirely hostile.

補遺-3914-A: ██/ 03/18に、機動部隊アルファ-4隊員D・トンプソンが、ワシントン州シアトルのAmazon.com,Inc.本社のエレベーターでSCP-3914-1およびSCP-3914-8との短時間の遭遇を報告しました。
Addendum-3914-A: On 18/03/██, MTF Alpha-4 Operative D. Thompson reported a brief encounter with SCP-3914-1 and SCP-3914-8 in an elevator at Amazon.com, Inc.'s headquarters in Seattle, WA.

Thompson reported that the encounter only lasted a few seconds and that no words were exchanged, suggesting it was of little importance.

Three months later, Thompson requested a transfer back to Site-██, citing a belief that SCP-3914 was growing suspicious of him.

Thompson's request was granted, and he left Amazon.com, Inc. the following day.

On 27/06/██, Thompson arrived at Site-██, and immediately triggered thaumaturgical detection systems upon entering the site's lobby.

Thompson reacted violently to this, lethally wounding the site receptionist and 2 facility security officers using his standard-issue sidearm before he could be terminated.

Following his successful termination, examination of Thompson's body confirmed he had undergone complete organ failure three months prior, suggesting he had been killed by SCP-3914-8 and reanimated as a SCP-3914-A instance on the day of the reported encounter.

An inspection of his personal belongings revealed a sophisticated tracking device, suspected to have been produced on the orders of SCP-3914, concealed within his clothing.

Following this incident, all infiltration of Amazon.com, Inc. by MTF Alpha-4 is to be halted indefinitely, with all personnel assigned to SCP-3914 to instead redirect efforts towards finding a method to contain or terminate all members of SCP-3914.

Until this comes to fruition, all Site-██ staff are to be made aware that SCP-3914 is aware of the site's location and actively hostile to Foundation interests.

As such, all staff should practice increased vigilance, and any evidence of potential surveillance or otherwise unusual activity should be reported to Site Director K. Ellis immediately.

補遺-3914-B: 補遺-3914-Aの事件の後、SCP-3914は財団に対して直接の経済行動を取り始めました。
Addendum-3914-B: Following the event described in Addendum-3914-A, SCP-3914 has begun taking direct economic action against the Foundation.

Several companies involved in supplying the Foundation with crucial parts and materials for use in equipment, including the reinforced metals used in containment chamber construction and electronic components of devices such as Scranton Reality Anchors and Kant Counters, have been purchased by Amazon.com, Inc.

Furthermore, some companies have chosen to end previous contracts with the Foundation abruptly and without explanation, despite having suffered no such buyout.

As such, it is currently hypothesized that members of SCP-3914 have killed and reanimated the directors of these companies as SCP-3914-A instances.

Finally, several cemeteries in close proximity to Foundation sites globally have been targets of graverobbing incidents, prompting concerns that SCP-3914 may be deliberately seeking out deceased Foundation personnel to reanimate, likely either to gather further information or to affect morale amongst current Foundation personnel.

Due to the strain put on Foundation resources by these economic attacks, senior staff have issued a formal request to O5 Command to purchase the remaining suppliers, bringing production directly into Foundation control and preventing any further buyouts by SCP-3914.




































































事案記録 SCP-3797-█

記録日時: 20██年██月██日

内容: ██時██分、サイト-██で要注意団体██による襲撃がありました。7分後に機動部隊が到着し、2時間後に鎮圧されました。この襲撃により研究員█名、機動部隊員█名が死亡しました。当該サイトは時間異常部門の研究所として使用されており、オブジェクトが収容されていなかったため盗難されたオブジェクトはありません。しかし、当時製作していたSCP-3797試作品1点を含め、時間異常部門の備品███点が盗難されました。当該オブジェクトはいまだに発見されておりません。

















襲撃記録 ████████

記録日時: 20██年██月██日

内容: 財団の機動部隊が要注意団体██の拠点を襲撃しました。既に構成員は逃走済みで、団体が製作したアノマリー█点、財団から盗難した█点のアノマリーが見つかりました。その中には壊れたSCP-3797試作品があり、財団が無事回収しました。
何とか使用前に回収することができた。だが、壊れているというのが気になる。特に外された部品はなさそうだが… - ███博士


記録日時: 21██年██月██日

内容: SCP-710-JPが何の前触れもなく壊れてしまった。当時SCP-710-JPを持っていた隊員は適切な取り扱いをしていたそうだからどうして壊れてしまったのかは誰にもわからない。SCP-710-JPが他組織の手に渡らなかったのは喜ばしいことだ。だが、未来からの発砲はまだ出現している。どういうことだ。SCP-710-JPはこの1丁だけではなかったのか?

事案記録 ████████

記録日時: ████年██月██日

内容: ██時██分██秒、過去への████級エネルギー放出が観測されました。当該エネルギーを放出したのは要注意団体████であり、どのような目的で行ったのかは現在調査中です。
